456. Purification Begins

The tall blonde muscular man who was the Inquisitor looked at the people as if they were garbage. One moment his face looked plain and the next moment there was a frown so big it looked like he was constipating since eternity.

"YOU HEATHENS! You dare to foul this holy temple of god with your feet." Suddenly, as he roared he turned more into a monster. Maybe because seeing such a huge crowd, this was the only way to fight and save himself.

First, there were white-feathered wings on his back. Then suddenly his body turned greyish as if it got covered in armor. Even his lackeys had white feathers.

Alexander looked back at the people, "THIS, is the true face of the Holy See. They have shaken hands with the devil for such powers and now rule you all in the name of God."

"Kill it,"

"Please save us, god,"

Then the big armored monster sprinted towards Alexander. But Ragnarok stood there too and he didn't shy away from punching the monster in the face.


Everyone's jaws fell at that moment.

"Oh no..." Ragnarok exclaimed.

The head of the Inquisitor was separated from its monstrous body and fell to the ground while the body was still spraying blood.

"OH NO? You decapitated him." Alexander grunted.

"I didn't know he'd be so weak. He looked like a pretty strong monster." Ragnarok clarified.

"You are a world-ending dragon. Everyone is weak to you." Alexander reminded him. But he frowned thinking what the people may be thinking.

He turned around only to find them kneeling in prayer.

"Our God is the strongest!"

~God, these people are fanatics.~ He cursed at himself.

But he wanted to end this whole meeting. "I need a hundred courageous men and women to come forward for a task."

Finding a hundred good courageous people was not hard when there was a crowd of thousands. There were in total of 72 men and 28 women.

"My children, I want you all to spread the word around the world of what happened here. The truth about the Holy See. I know, this world is hard, if the Holy See doesn't kill you then some thief or monster will.

"Which is why you all will have my protection. No one can harm you except yourself now. You will be safe as long as you do not do anything wrong. You all may have one horse each. Now go and tell the world about the soon to be coming new age," he preached. He wasn't just going to leave it to them. He was also going to run a full-fledged campaign against all this evil.

Soon after, he dispersed the crowd of people and went to talk to Guts and Skeleton Knight.

"Now, tell me everything. Who are these God Hands? It seems this realm has gone unsupervised for far too long. The influence of darkness is much more than it should be." He commented.

"GUGU?" The female named Casca came to him and started patting his face softly. It was as if she was trying to see what the snow like thing was on his face. His beard was very white. Olivia's specially made shampoo was too good.

Alexander patted her head and gave her a lollipop. "What's wrong with her?"

Skeleton Knight looked at Guts, implying that he tells Alexander.

Even Guts was considering telling Alexander. He just kept a strong front. The things he had seen today weren't something that even a God Hand could do and if he wanted his revenge, he'd need this help.

"I used to be a part of a mercenary group called the Band of the Hawk. There was a man named Griffith who was the leader. We slowly became good friends. Hawks eventually became very well known and powerful, we even helped to end the hundred-year war. Griffith was made a count for all his achievements.

"Casca was a part of the group too. We both liked each other and became close eventually. Griffith wanted to be a king and king's daughter was his best way. So, after I left the Hawks, he for some reason eloped with her and got caught. He was tortured for days. I saved him eventually but it was too late.

"However, later we found out what a monster Griffith truly was.

"That day in the lake, something happened, the next thing we knew, the Hawks were all in hell. We were surrounded by monsters and four beings known as members of the God Hand. Apparently, Griffith was the fifth and final member of the God Hand. To be reborn as one of the God Hand, Griffith sacrificed all of the Hawks' lives.

"He ascended to become a God Hand with only the worst traits of his remaining inside him. He... he brutally r*aped Casca in front of me... I couldn't do anything." Guts' voice started to break there. But he continued.

"The trauma broke her mind. We were supposed to die that day but Skeleton Knight saved us. Since then we've both had the berserk brand of sacrifice. Since then I have been looking for them to kill them."

Alexander was saddened by his story. The world was truly brutal.

"I will help you achieve your revenge. I can get you to the god hands but the question is, forget the demons and other creatures that will try to harm you, can you kill even one of the god hands with your current strength?" Alexander asked.

Guts truly fell into contemplation.

"He can't." Skeleton Knight spoke.

"That is why I am here to guide him to a place where he can get that power." He added.

Guts looked at him in wonder.

"Hey hey... can I get strong too? Do you have something for me?" Isidro asked excitedly.

Skeleton Knight looked at him with dead empty eyes, "Child, you need some milk,"

Ragnarok howled in laughter behind him.


"Yes, so Guts you can go and get this new power. I will wait for you here. I will not kill Griffith but I won't be certain about the others." He proposed the option.

Guts readily accepted, "I will come soon then,"

"And I can heal this girl here. She is not sick or injured. When that tragic incident happened to her, her mind went into a sudden shock. But if I heal her, she will get her memories back but she may not be able to deal with it." He offered.

Guts looked at happily playing Casca, trying to eat falling petals from a cherry blossom tree. He felt very sad for her, although it didn't show on his plain face.

"Then please do it. I will help her and I want her to see me take revenge for what Griffith did." Guts said.

"Okay then, for the safety I will make her fall unconscious." He said. Soon, Casca slowly fell asleep on the grass. Alexander just gestured at her head while using his mind arts.

"It's done. When she wakes up, she'll remember everything. I suggest you be beside her. You can take a horse cart with you. Ragnarok, go with them and return in time. I will launch the attack from here." He ordered.

"Sure," Ragnarok quickly got up.

Alexander noticed from a distance that someone else had joined Guts too. It was some thin man and a woman. But he wasn't worried as Ragnarok was with them.

Once they were gone, Alexander went to Phixheim and organized his army.

In total, the Grand Cleansing Army consisted of a hundred million T-800 organic droids, 1 thousand Seraphs, and ten thousand unsullied. All elves and unsullied had eaten chakra fruit so they were immensely powerful. Five Super Star Destroyers to keep an eye from the Orbit were also a part of it.

Then there was the leader, Douglas, who was the commander of the Grand Army. It was supposed to be Blue Fang but he was busy teaching Haku.

"Douglas, the mission is simple. This whole planet is ravaged by creatures of darkness. I want all of them exterminated. You will be leading this whole operation. Got it?" He ordered. Douglas had received enough training from Archangel Michael and should be able to complete this task, according to Alexander.

"Got it, old man. Dealing with dark creatures is kind of like the job to us Angels. We are taught to do this from the start." Douglas dutifully saluted.

"Good, if you see a white-haired man, looking majestic and all. Catch him." He added. He didn't want Douglas to mistakenly kill Griffith.


"What the hell are you doing?" Alexander asked him. Douglas had suddenly hugged him tightly.

"You told me to catch the man with white hair who looked majestic," Douglas replied.

Alexander facepalmed, "No me, fool. I'm talking about a man named Griffith. He's a demon. I have promised someone to let them kill him."

Douglas embarrassingly released him, "Haha... should've said that earlier. Well, I'm off to work then"

So, Dougless left with the big army and dispersed it around the world.

Alexander also came out and decided to create a city where the tower of conviction used to be.


He heard a strange noise and walked to it. He split the bushes and found the source.

It was a strange disgusting looking creature. It was very small and had only one eye. It somewhat resembled a fetus. But Alexander could feel that the thing was not evil. In fact, he sensed Guts and Casca in it. He felt a sense of duty in that ugly crawling fetus.

~This is soo messed up~

[You can see the chief inquisitor, Casca and the fetus on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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