Wings for the Troubled Joy 1

An early morning for Yuki only meant that he would be even more tired and unable to deal with his family at breakfast. Today was certainly no different for him. His mind was still buzzed and spinning from what happened in his room. He lowered his head a little while waiting for Momoko to give him his breakfast. 'Ugh… I can't believe that my powers could activate subconsciously. I wonder how Ayumi deals with it?' Yuki planted his hand over his face feeling the stress starting to build up already. He brushed his hair out of his face and looked up. "What?" he said finding Momoko staring at him.

Momoko pointed her large cooking spoon at Yuki. "What did Jun say?" She quickly went back to the stove top stirring the food to keep it from burning.

Yuki took a minute to figure out the spoon was not aimed at him, but Jun who was silently standing next to him looking like he wanted something. Yuki had been distracted by his own problems that he did not even know that Jun had been by his side. 'Wish he would talk again. I don't want to be his translator for the rest of my life.' He gave a reluctant sigh and then tried to put on a better face for Jun. "What is it, Jun?"

Jun had been looking at him for a while even before Yuki acknowledged him. His hand was firmly held to the sleeve of Yuki's uniform. All Yuki had to do was look at him to know immediately, a weird feeling that he never completely got used to. He had more or less just accepted it against his will as Momoko would press on him if he ignored Jun. "He says that he wants toast."

"Toast huh? It'll be an extra minute then." Momoko walked over to the cabinets to pull out some bread setting it on the counter. She looked back at Jun as her hand pulled out a slice of bread. "Alright, Jun?"

Jun gave her a meek nod while keeping close to Yuki. Ken sat in his chair swaying back and forth unable to contain the energy that he had woken up with. "That's some strange ability you have. I can only pick up the simple things. How you do it?"

Yuki pushed the plate in front of him around feeling his mind beginning to wander around. He rested his head on his hand, which was not busy, against the table top. "If I knew I'd teach you all," he said in a tired voice.

"It's his way of helping around the house," Momoko said cheerfully while she ran between pots on the stove. "You've got to take some responsibilities." She turned off the heat just as the toast popped; breakfast was ready.

The responsibility speech was played again for Yuki to hear. He leaned back in his chair not wanting to listen to Momoko going on about what he had to do in the family. It was always the same thing every time. 'I'm not their father. Don't try to make me.'

Breakfast was over and Yuki rushed out of the door wanting to get out of the house. There was more than one reason that he had today, besides the usual lectures from Momoko. He was feeling that his mind was going to explode with all of the ideas that were flowing around. If he was not careful he would show them what he actually was and they would not just ignore the strange things that happened last night. He worried how long he was going to be able to keep it from them without them accidentally finding out.

However, when he began to walk into the street turning towards his school there was a heavy weight on both of his arms. He looked down and jumped back in surprise to find that both Ken and Jun had followed him. Once he regained his breath and heart he focused himself back on the matter at hand. "What are you two doing?"

Jun remained quiet as Ken stepped forward as their voice. "Jun wanted to walk with you. So we decided to go to school with you." The absurd nature of the idea seemed to be completely lost on them. However, they could not be faulted for an innocent request to be with their brother (well not faulted by anyone else that was not Yuki).

Yuki collapsed his back forward hanging his arms in disbelief not certain which sounded more impossible to him. He fought between the conflicting statements to which he was going to address. "What?! You can't come with me. Your school is in the other direction. And plus how can you know what Jun wanted, he doesn't speak." The choice ended up being both in the end.

"Jun can answer yes or no to questions," Ken said looking a little too proud about the statement that defied Yuki's reasoning.

Yuki's eyes lowered in disbelief. "So you're saying that you wanted to follow me and knowing how Jun likes to follow in my shadow asked him a loaded question to place it on him knowing that I would be more willing to agree," Yuki said lowly not quite meant to be heard, but to get it out of him. A heavy sigh escaped his mouth before he felt ready. "You can come with me as far as the intersection. Momoko will yell at me if you two are late."

Ken ran back to Jun jumping together with him. There seemed to be a slight change in the blank expression of Jun that Yuki could pick up as being excitement. Ken expressed his joy with enough enthusiasm to make up for Jun. Yuki was not going to wait for them. He began to walk towards them and then past them flinging his school bag over his back supported loosely by his right hand. The missing brother and sound of the school bag hitting his back was enough of a signal for Jun to tug on Ken's shirt. It took a few tries, but Jun was finally able to get through to Ken allowing them to catch up to Yuki.

"Morning Yuki!" Saki said from behind him as they met at the usual spot in the path. When she came closer she saw his brothers with him as well. "Oh, Ken and Jun are with you today!" She bent down pulling her skirt in as she lowered herself to their eye level. Saki gave Jun a pat on the head and a warm smile. "Still as cute as ever, Jun." A snappy turn had her facing Ken giving him a mischievous grin to match the one that was on his lips already. "Tagging along with your brother, huh?"

"Yup!" Ken said raising his left arm in earnest.

"Yeah…" said Yuki trying to turn away knowing now that Saki was here it would only become more difficult for him to get rid of them. She was very accepting of them, which might have been because she knew everything that they had gone through or that she did not have any brothers of her own. She might have seen them as her own little brothers. The reasons were never clear.

The four continued down the street around the road block keeping going. Ken's energy was too much for Yuki to handle, but Saki seemed to be enjoying herself. She kept him busy leaving Jun at Yuki's side who seemed to be content with that status alone. The time for them to part came sooner than Ken was expecting (too long for Yuki, but that was apparent). Yuki had to debate the issue and yell at him for a minute before Saki stepped in.

"You can walk with us again whenever you want, you know," said Saki with a smile.

"Really? Hear that Jun?" Ken rose up both of his hands cheering and ran off down the other street with Jun running after him. They disappeared around the turn of the street leaving Yuki and Saki alone to resume the rest of their walk.

Yuki sighed once more and then stretched his arms and back. His depressed attitude was suddenly wiped away as he let out a loud cheer or cry. He turned back to Saki with his usual cheerful expression returned to his face. "Good morning, Saki!"

"M-Morning. What's wrong Yuki? You feeling alright?" Saki leaned away set back by the shouting he had done only a moment before.

He lifted up his arm bending it and patting his other hand on his upper arm. "Yup! I'm feeling great! Just another beautiful day!"

'What's with this? He was depressed yesterday and now he's back to normal?' Saki smiled back to him trying not to let her uncertainly show through to him. It was difficult for her to know if he was still suffering from what happened at lunch or if he had truly dealt with it. She was never certain with him since he hid everything behind such a pleasant expression. "I'm glad!" Whichever it was she would not press the subject if he wanted to move on.

"How was practice?" Yuki began to walk on trying to keep his mind away from stray thoughts that he was having. It was a wearing on his mind though keeping everything tightly locked up. 'I nearly tried to imagine playing with lightning to keep from losing it with Ken and Jun. But it'll happen again like with the tree…' The amount of effort that it was taking to keep his imagination in check was making it difficult to walk almost.