All Short One 3

Yuki turned his tilted back head over to look at who was speaking to him with an unimpressed look in his eyes. "What you weaklings want?" He had put his focus back towards the clouds quickly losing interest in a bunch of babies that could barely swing at him.

"Weaklings?!" the boy on the left shouted only being held back by the boy in the middle.

"You beat up my brother pretty good. I'm here to make you answer for it!"

Yuki no longer gave them an acknowledgement of his eyes and spoke to the sky. "And you think ganging up on me will make your revenge come true? I'm already in a foul mood and I don't like weak babies staring at me. Leave my sight before I feel like changing my mind." The boy on the right was unable to handle being talked down to by Yuki and charged around the middle. He threw his fist wildly at Yuki striking him across the cheek with great surprise and shock to the boy. However, the punch did little other than to darken Yuki's face and bring his focus down upon the student. Yuki pulled back and released his fist quickly putting it through the boy, who otherwise looked like a model student that got decent grades. The boy was flattened on the ground immediately with a bloodied lip and deeply bruised nose. "I'm more than willing to make the cement drink your blood."

The boy on the left began to shaking seeing his friend dropped without hesitation or a chance to fight back. He was considering running away seeing that his chances for coming out alive were narrowing. The middle boy charged forward to Yuki in a rage of anger planning his revenge. However, the boy was unable to place a punch on Yuki as Yuki spun around landing his leg in the side of his ribs knocking the wind out of him. Yuki followed it up by sharp fist to the side of the face laying the kid out with a painful groan to cement and blood dripping from the cut.

Yuki turned to the boy that was shaking trying to back away not wanting to fight anymore. He began to walk over to the student flexing his hand to loosen it up. Saki came out of the store with two plastic-wrapped buns in hand looking around for Yuki, who was no longer against the doorframe. "Hey, Yuki! I got our snacks!" She turned to the grunting from the two boys on the ground and saw Yuki moving towards a defenseless student that was panicking trying to back away.

"I-I-I d-don't want any trouble! Let me go, please!" the boy said backing away.

"Too late! You three started this!"

Saki dropped the snacks and ran towards Yuki hoping to stop him before he hurt another. "Yuki! No…!"

Yuki's fist was already up in swinging motion when Saki started running and the boy backing away. He was determined to break something on the boy for being too cowardly to even back up his friends. It was cowards that he hated more than weaklings. His fist flashed by on target to the boy's face, but Saki stepped in the way at the last second and he could not pull back in time. The punch collided with Saki's cheek and jaw making an awful noise on impact streaming blood through the air splashed against the boy's face that she just protected.

Saki collapsed to the ground not moving with her eyes empty of light. Yuki dropped to her side immediately shocked at what had happened. 'I hit Saki…she stepped in my way…' The boy fled when he realized that he was spared his life leaving his friends behind. "Saki! Can you hear me? Saki! Wake up!" For all of the shaking and shouting that he did she would not wake for him. He did not know what to do for her deciding to carry her back to her home. When he brought her unconscious back to her mother there were too many questions for his answer and screaming panic. Her mother was not able to hold back in front of Yuki.

"My daughter is hurt because of you! All you do is pick fights. You'll never be able to do anything else! How can your father above even look at you?! Never go near my daughter ever again! If you so much as touch her I'll call the police! I knew I shouldn't have ever let you into this family! Get out of my home!"

Yuki stepped away constantly getting pressed out by Saki's mother. He could not say anything back to the tirade that he was assaulted with and knew that she was correct. When the yelling came to an end he simply stepped away. "You won't see me again."

Yuki stood up from the spot that he had been resting at for his story. He looked back at Hiroshi who seemed stunned by the revelation from Yuki. The release of the tale did not bring any comfort to his heart. He was not sure what he had been expecting to happen from sharing it with another. There was no forgiveness that he could expect from relating it to Hiroshi. "I'm sorry you had to hear that."

Hiroshi snapped out of his glazed over appearance and turned towards Yuki. He was still taking everything that he heard it, but he felt like he had to say something before the moment was lost. 'But what do you say to something like that? I still can't believe it.' He placed his gaze on Yuki trying to find a connection or an answer. "Wow… Yuki, I'm not sure what to say. It's a little hard to believe. You being some angry punk beating up people."

"I'll understand if you don't want to be friends…"

"Hey, wait! Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I mean the Yuki I know is a hyper happy guy that has a little too vivid of imagination and a little crazy about your manga. That's the Yuki I know and who's my friend. The other Yuki is the past. He's not you anymore, right?"


"So, then there are you! It's in the past. Don't worry about it then. You found out that Saki was just sick. So nothing to worry about. Let's go home!" Hiroshi slung his arm around Yuki's neck and started to drag him down the street giving him a rough time. 'Hard to imagine him hurting anyone…'


Yuki and Hiroshi walked down the street starting to come near to the intersection that led to his house. The two were joking and laughing forgetting about what was talked about before. However, as they made it around the corner of the street a dark figure stood in front of them. The shadow swayed back and forth in the shade of the tree coming towards the two. They nervously stepped backward uncertain what was happening until the person came out of the darkness into the sunlight. A dirty and messy Saki in her school uniform collapsed in the road in front of them.

"Saki!" Yuki said rushing to her side.