Lost and Found 2

Yuki was keeping a friendly smile on the entire time as was Fumiko as they played their games. Both of them were not willing to give in or compromise to the other. Fumiko was becoming suspicious of Yuki's motives and the way that he was acting in refusing to let her come with him.

She was not certain why he would be acting so strange, but she was becoming more steadfast the longer she listened to him. It was convincing her even more that she should not be letting the girl alone with Yuki.

The stalemate made the situation that they were in worse for Yuki. If his fears were correct then every second wasted talking the higher the chances that Fumiko's life became in danger. He was considering the worst possible outcome as the one to be focused on and try to prevent.

In the end, he would only be a fool and be embarrassed if he was wrong, while being right could be far deadlier.

'This isn't working. I have to do something!'

He measured up his problem seeing Fumiko's height as a factor that he did not know how to deal with.

'I wish I could use my power right now. It'd be able to do something…but this'll have to do…'

Yuki lunged forward to get around Fumiko hopefully fast enough that she would not be do anything about it in time. He knew that he had an advantage physically over her, but it did not seem to matter when the girl moved out of reach giving Fumiko the time to push Yuki away. Yuki slid away with his momentum carrying him well beyond the two of them.

"I'm not letting you near this girl. I don't know what your problem is, but it's clear to me that you can't be trusted."

The word stung at Yuki's heart to hear those words. He was paused thinking about the situation knowing that he was right in what he was doing, but still she was acting like this.

'How did I become the villain? I'm trying to protect her!'

Yuki narrowed his eyes towards the girl becoming more suspicious and certain that she was an assassin unlike her appearance would tell. He stood up straight walking slowly towards the two of them starting to pour out a darkened space around him that washed around the careful attitude he normally had in favor of direct and serious.

"I'm not the one that you should be suspicious of, but her!"

"Now I know there's something wrong with you. She's just a child!"

"Don't be fooled. Hand her over to me for your own safety!"

"What's wrong with you?"

Fumiko backed away further from Yuki no longer certain what had come over him. She had thought that he was a kind person from their brief encounter, but she was mistaken.

'I need to get her away from him now! There's something strange about the look in his eyes.'

"She's lying to you!"

"She's lost and confused!"

"She's not who she says she is! You're in danger get away from her!"

Yuki had been making a slow march towards Fumiko and the girl, but it was proving to be fruitless for him as she only backed away further from him. He was running out of options.

'Damn! I can't let someone else become hurt because of me!'

Any hope of finding a caring look in Yuki's eyes was gone with him taking a single purpose on. He charged after the two planning on separating the two from them not buying into the panic on the girl's face.

Fumiko's eyes had become wide in surprise at Yuki's actions, but the girl kept tugging on her skirt. She looked down at the girl reaffirming what she was doing and picked her up. Fumiko carried the girl in her arms and charged towards Yuki. The action made Yuki puzzled, but he could not stop what he was doing not realizing it until afterwards that Fumiko was making for his side.

He was unable to stop or counter in time losing his ground falling into the dirt. Fumiko made it around the school and out of sight of Yuki not coming to a stop until she was well beyond him feeling safe.

She put the girl back down on the ground, who looked a little worse for wear. Fumiko patted the girl on the head to comfort her knowing how frightening it must have been.

"It's alright! I'll make sure you're safe and see your sister."

The little girl was a little hesitant with the appearance that she was still shaken from the experience not knowing what to think. She looked up to Fumiko holding her hands together tightly still feeling the panic.

"Thank you!"

She reached out her hand to grab on to Fumiko's skirt like before as Fumiko started walking with her to guide her around the school.

Yuki dusted himself off cursing himself for not being able to do anything to stop them. Once he finished checking everything from his very painful fall he narrowed his eyes and sprinted off in the direction that he knew that left. Unfortunately, after the corner he was not certain about which direction that they had went.

'They're looking for Ayumi, so maybe I should just go back to her and warn her instead.'

Away left waiting was Ayumi, who was growing tired of being patient with the way that he was acting. There were still many risks that he was not thinking about and she knew that she needed to keep an eye on him.

"Well I'm done waiting."

She stood up from the bench and began going off in the direction that she knew Yuki went. However, just as she was about to leave the corner of her eye caught someone coming towards her. She turned to see that it was the girl from before that she had met, but was confused why she was still around school this late.

'What's she up to this late? Shouldn't she be going home after clubs?'

Ayumi turned to face the student putting on her façade for the girl in case she came too close to her.

It was as she thought with Fumiko walking towards her. Ayumi began to walk to meet the girl, but was a little confused when she thought she saw something or someone hiding behind Fumiko. She did not know what was going on, but it was unavoidable now that she had been seen.

'What does she want with me?'

Fumiko was pleased that she was able to find Ayumi still at school. She was not certain if she was going to be able to find her at school and feared what she would have to tell the girl if she was unable to find her.

"See there's your sister!" said Fumiko looking behind her to reassure the girl.

The two were getting closer making it clear to Ayumi that there was someone behind Fumiko, but out of sight enough that she could not tell. She kept walking towards them with her innocent face smiling to them.

"Fumiko Terauchi!"

"I'm glad I could find you, Nishimura!"

"Was there something you needed?" Ayumi said still walking towards him the distance coming to only a few steps now.

"I found your little sister lost out front trying to find you."

"Little sister?" said Ayumi confused by what Fumiko was saying.

"Yeah, here she—"

Fumiko was caught off guard as she suddenly felt a sharp pain pierce her that cut off all of her words and feeling.

Out of Fumiko's chest came a long sword that glowed yellow sending out a burst of energy from the tip towards Ayumi. Ayumi's eyes had widened in shock as the entire area was blinded by a flash with blood spraying everywhere.