Preparing to Kill Someone

The class finally ended at 12 pm, Flux was going to find Yang Mei, that American Chinese girl but then he remembered he still had something to do and that is to find dark energy on the school campus.

Flux is currently the only one inside the classroom and the rest are currently eating their lunch.

'It's time to check just how dark the energy on this entire school.' Flux thought as he locked the door and closed the windows.

Flux sat in the middle of the floor in a lotus position.

[Seer's Eyes]

Flux muttered and his eyes changed, the black color in his eyes disappeared and everything is white which looks very creepy for the normal people.

[Seer's Eyes] has two effects, the first one is to see all kinds of energy aside from the Heaven and Earth Qi. And the second is it can calculate someone's future, and if you are strong enough you can even look at the person's past.

[Seer's Eyes] is a 7-star graded technique according to Mysterious Infernal Annihilation.

For Flux's cultivation rank, it is also graded into stars that were different from other cultivators. The more dark energy he absorbs, a red star will appear in his dark-red orb.

Once it reaches 7 stars, it means he has successfully passed.

There are several cultivation levels and here are the examples:


Qi Condensation [7 stars]

Foundation Establishment [14 stars]

Core Formation [21 stars]

Nascent Soul [28 stars]

Earth Realm [35 stars]

Sky Realm [42 stars]

Immortal Spirit [48 stars]


He saw many different kinds of lingering energy in the air, there are some good and bad energy which was easily seen through by his [Seer's Eyes]

But Flux never thought that the dark energy here is quite abundant.

'It seems like there are too many grievances here, and some of them even died with hatred especially women.' Flux thought while looking at the dark energy which is floating in the air everywhere.

Flux didn't care about those lingering grievances and hatred since he wasn't a saint anyway, so he quickly chanted a technique to absorb every dark energy.

A small black home appeared in Flux's forehead, the black hole spins like a vortex sucking all the dark energy.

Every dark energy was sucked into the black hole, Flux was quite surprised since it is faster than his first try in a previous life.

After an hour, Flux was woken up by a knock in the door and a murderous expression appeared in his face. When he opened the door, he saw Leon.

"W-what do you want? I didn't even provoke you." Leon said with a trembling voice.

Leon saw quite confused about why his classroom is closed, even the windows so he tried to knock the door hoping to find someone inside but he didn't expect to it to be Flux and what's even worse is that he's looking at him with a very gloomy face and there's even a killing intent in his eyes.

Flux, on the other hand, wanted to kill Leon badly, being interrupted while cultivating is one of the taboos in the cultivation world. But he wasn't that unreasonable either since he knew that this place was not good for cultivation.

"Are they back?" Flux said to Leon with no emotions that can be found.

'Back? Who?' Leon thought for a while and remembered that it should be their classmates so he said, "Yes, our classmates are back."

Flux nodded indifferently and let him enter.

Flux didn't bother with Leon anymore and immediately sat in his chair to check his cultivation level.

'Damn, this guy is fucking scary. I even saw an illusion about myself that I was killed by him.' Leon thought while a sweat appeared in his forehead while looking at Flux.

Flux didn't know Leon's thought but he wouldn't care anyway, right now what he cares is his cultivation.

'HOW CAN IT BE SO FAST?!' Flux roared in his heart when he saw that there are three stars in his blood-red orb.

That means he is now a Third Qi Condensation which was abnormal, in his previous life, he had to go to a graveyard just to absorb such dark energy to increase one star.

But in this life, he only tried his luck in this school yet what he received was way too much.

'Is this due to Demon Requiem Physique? That's quite scary, I haven't even absorbed a soul yet. This made me a little bit excited though.' Flux thought while a smirk appeared in his face.

After the class ended, it was time to go back to his condo but before that, he waited for Yang Mei. But it seems the girl was quite resentful when he didn't find her, so he just shrugged it off but before he passes the gate he heard a different female voice which also sounds familiar.

"Z-Zion, c-can I talk to you for a bit?" Nicole said with nervousness.

Flux was surprised for a bit then asked, "Sure."

Nicole brought Flux to her office since every teacher at Sky University has an office. She gave him a juice and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Z-Zion, can you help me? My family is already one step away from destruction. My father was shot by a hitman near his chest, and right now, the enemy threatened us to kill my father if we don't agree to their request." Nicole said pitifully while her tears are flowing.

Flux was unmoved, he doesn't care about others because before he started in cultuvation, no one cared for him, no one helps him when he asked for help and this made him more become distorted.

"What threat?" Flux asked with an indifferent voice.

Nicole cried again when she felt that Flux was unmoved but then she replied, "They threatened my family and that is to let me go at their place for two days and they will no longer send a hitman."

Nicole knew that if she goes there, it will be the end of her life. She knew she will be treated as a tool for pleasure, she wasn't narcissistic but there were few actors that even courted her.

Flux just nodded and said calmly, "So what does it got to do with me again? What can you give me?"

When Nicole heard it, she felt despair in her heart, in fact, her sixth sense told her to find Flux but hearing his answer he was indeed right but she still tried her luck.

"I will give you anything, I will pay 50 million dollars just please save my parents," Nicole said in a hoarse voice as her tears flow like a river.

Flux was unmoved, money isn't important to him anyway, but a playful smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Flux lean closer to Nicole's ear and whispered, "What if I want you? Will you give yourself to me?"

Flux waited for her reply while also playing her red lips using his finger.

When Nicole heard it, she knew what Flux is hinting to her. She is very confident in her charm, but still, a dilemma appeared in his mind since she wanted to give her body to the man that she really loves.

But time can't wait for it, a firm appeared in his eyes and stared at Flux while letting him play her lips.

"Can you really save my parents?" Nicole spoke with a determination.

Flux chuckled and replied, "Why ask my help if you're doubtful? You can just go find others and I'll go home."

Flux was going to leave but Nicole grasps his hand to stop him from leaving.

"Okay, fine I'll do it." Nicole bit her lips and saw Flux locking the door.

Flux is watching Nicole who's face is anxious and stiff, then he leans closer to her face and tilted his head.

Nicole closed her eyes when she saw Flux's handsome face leaning closer to her. His lips are getting to hers but the contact of their lips didn't appear.

She opened her eyes and saw Flux chuckling and she felt angry and asked, "Are you playing with me?!"

Flux chuckled again when she saw her getting angry and said, "I can see your inner self that you are against about this, so I decided to stop."

"This is my choice! I am already determined to do this, so stop playing with me and tell me your decision right away!" Nicole angrily said.

Flux just laughed and he felt she's cute despite and said, "No, I don't want to eat someone who's eyes are puffy."

Nicole blushed a little, she wanted to change their topic but Flux spoke again.

"Tell me the important details of your family and your enemy. Take note, I will only kill one important member of your enemy and the rest shall be in your hands. Unless I have the mood to destroy them so don't expect me to clean your family's butt" Flux said to Nicole.

Nicole was speechless and thought 'am I only worth for one member?', but then she thought again, 'what if their leader is gone, doesn't that mean everything will fall apart?', Nicole was excited and she agreed to Flux immediately.

"Oh, and right I can cure your father but in exchange, you must listen to my command if I ever need your help. If you don't, I'll hunt each of your family members one by one." Flux said to Nicole and an extremely horrible killing appeared.

Nicole trembled and her face turned pale she stared at Flux and saw her eyes looking at her like a grass that can be just stepped on and her sixth sense that has been silent screamed once again as it detected a danger.

Flux removed the killing intent and he asked, "Deal or no deal?"

Nicole sighed in relief after the horrible cold temperate that suddenly assaulted her body was gone, and she then thought for a while and replied, "Deal!"