Torturing Franco

After Flux and Nicole talked about important details about Nicole's family business and enemy, he quickly left to start his own preparations.

Nicole's family business is actually about cosmetics and currently, their cosmetic is getting popular and already several steps away from being known as an international cosmetic.

Their cosmetic was made for women, in Flux's eyes, it is a bit similar to Eternity Youth pill in the Immortal Continent. But their cosmetic wasn't that strong but at least it can immediately remove acne, wrinkles, and more.

Because of that it also gathered greedy eyes from every direction, the Hammington family was able to defeat those greedy wolves at first. But right now, their enemy is no longer something they can fight through legal means.

Their enemy is also a cosmetic company with a net worth of 5 billion dollars. Their company is also 5 billion dollars but the only problem is that their enemy is a crime family.

The Garzon Family controls the third-largest underground gang in New York. There are many gangs in New York, while there are the five largest underground gangs.

This made the Hammington family who only had few connections to the 5th largest gang feel bitter.

The helm of Hammington Family, Jason Hammington, Nicole's father was shot near his heart and currently in a critical condition.

This made the Hammington family feel despair, and they thought that the Garzon Family will send another hitman but unexpectedly, Luis Gazon, the helm of Gazon Family made a condition and that is to send Nicole to them, and they will no longer send a hitman.

Hammington family couldn'y do anything even if they want to report it to the police, they don't have any evidence. So, every core member of the Hammington family decided to sacrifice Nicole.

It wasn't because they don't like Nicole but when it comes to the interest which also follows life and death, sacrificing Nicole is already a rational idea.

And this time, Flux fell asleep after making a blood-red faceless mask after he got home. He never wanted to be recognized, he hopes to remain non-existent as much as possible.


In Sky University.

A mass of students are rushing to their respective classroom, some chose to use stairs while others chose to an elevator.

They are racing against time since it is almost time for the class to start. Inside the classroom, a beautiful woman wearing a tight uniform which showed her hourglass curves is walking back and forth.

Her face shows anxiety and sadness that couldn't be hidden despite how much she tried. This woman is none other than Nicole.

When Nicole got home yesterday she was pressured by the core members of the family. All sorts of reasons came from their mouths such as 'This is time for you to repay our love for you, Nicole.', it made her heart hurts especially when it came to her favorite aunt.

Her mother was even more in a miserable condition, she's getting thin and even passed out in the morning. Nicole can only pray that Flux will be able to help her.

After several minutes, the students finally arrived including Flux.

While she was teaching her students sometimes she can't help herself from glancing at Flux in the corner. Even the other students started to see it, and they wonder whether they have an affair.

Flux was even more irritated especially when Bobby asked him about whether he had an affair with Nicole.

Then, several hours passed the class finally ended. Flux didn't have time to look for Yang Mei, so she quickly sat in the car of Nicole.

But what he didn't know that it was seen by Yang Mei who was also going to look for her driver.

'Hmph, no wonder this guy no longer looks for me.' Yang Mei thought while looking at Flux and Nicole entering the car.

Meanwhile, Flux is currently chilling inside the car while staring at the mature woman driving the car. Nicole, on the other hand, couldn't even properly drive because she felt the burning stare behind her.

"What are you looking at?!" Nicole shouted and felt somewhat annoyed.

Flux just laughed and didn't care as he said, "Well, can't I just admire your beauty? It would be shameful if you won't use your eyes to appreciate something that you can only rarely see in your life."

Nicole rolled her eyes when she heard it, she had long been resistant with this kind of sweet words.

"Am I beautiful?" Nicole asked.

Flux stared at Nicole and answered, "Yep, you're pretty but that's it."

Nicole felt proud but when she heard the last two words, she felt angered and asked, "What do you mean by 'that's it'? Don't you even know this aunt had admirers who are actors?!'

Flux thought for a while and remembered that actors should be those that appeared on TV and he replied, "So what? In the end, they are just actors. If they are really talented then I don't mind hiring them to be a conman in the future."

Flux spoke seriously, in fact, this kind of talent is quite needed for some schemes that he will implement in the future.

Nicole felt angered because of how shameless Flux was and she even wondered whether Flux can help her or accelerate her death instead.

After bickering inside the car, they finally arrived in the villa which was quite secluded.

When Flux saw the villa he was quite astonished since it looks extremely extravagant.

Nicole saw his astonished expression and said, "What? Astonished? How about I'll give you this house if you can save my father? But if you do, then we won't follow your command in the future anymore."

When Flux heard it he was amused and gave her a deep glanced and said, "It's indeed extravagant but it's worthless in my eyes. Even if you can have the money in the world if you are weak and you don't grasp your own fate then you are just nothing but an ant."

Nicole felt speechless when hearing it, she just wanted to offer the house yet what she received was indeed more like a preach which made her mad.

Nicole shrugged it off and said, "My father is inside, he wasn't sent to the hospital because we are afraid that there will be many loopholes. So we just invited a professional medical team, and also a top security company."

Flux used his spirit sense which has a range of 50 meters and saw there are indeed people in black but he didn't felt the aura of cultivator so he didn't care.

"Yeah, I see it. Try to wave in that bush, a cat will appear." Flux pointed at the bush not far away from him.

Nicole looked at Flux but when she saw his serious expression, she followed his words.

"Hello!" Nicole waved at where Flux pointed.

The bush shook making Nicole yelp and a man in black came out, making Nicole surprised as the man in black spoke, "Are you looking for me, Miss Nicole?"

Nicole stammered when she spoke and pulled Flux to go inside the house. She was impressed by Flux's ability which made her become more confident.

"Wait for a minute." Flux spoke and opened his bag as he quickly picked up the mask which was made by him yesterday. "I can't be seen by recognized by many yet."

Nicole was full of doubts with she saw Flux wearing a faceless mask but then she asked, "Hey, that faceless blood-red mask of yours looks creepy."

Flux didn't reply and just smiled his mask wasn't a normal mask but instead made by his blood. There was a technique that can create all sorts of the mask using your own blood, and they could even be said as a cursed mask.

Because aside from yourself, no one can use it and once someone tried to steal it. The mask itself might even control you, and what's more, it also has an anti-tracking option. This means if you are an Immortal, then no one below Immortal can know your cultivation.

You can also add more options to your cursed mask but it will also depend on what kind of blood you have.

Flux's physique is a Demon Requiem which means he has a demon bloodline. And as for what kind of demon it is, we will only know it once he is stronger enough.

When Flux got inside in the house together with Nicole, they were stopped by someone until Nicole showed something a 'proof'.

And because of it, as they go further deeper they were no longer being watched by those men in black.

Nicole pulled his hand and they entered a room

, Flux saw several doctors and a middle-aged man around 40s currently being covered all sorts of wires.

"How is my father, Dr.Franco?" Nicole spoke to the man in his 30s.

Dr.Franco spoke, "Everything is currently positive.", his eyes stared at Nicole's beautiful body and added, "But I think Mr. Jason's body might no longer be able to take a heavy dosage to keep his vitality unless...."

Nicole's anxiety enveloped his heart, her tears fell which made greed in Franco's eyes bigger and she said, "Unless what?! Dr. Franco, please save my daughter. I will pay more money, I will do anything."

Flux just watched their conversation he didn't feel being forgotten but instead this is the kind of situation he wants.

Franco smiled when he heard Nicole's last words and he said, "We can still save him but you need to pay the price."

"What prince? How much?" Nicole asked while trembling.

Franco whispered in Nicole's ear and spoke, "Do anything then let's have a one night stand."

Nicole paled when she heard it, while the other doctors are just calmly watching as if they don't care what's happening.

Meanwhile, Flux heard what Franco just whispered due to how high his sensitivity is and he couldn't help but laugh despite trying to hold it and he said, "Hahaha, why does this line seems quite familiar, Nicole?"

Nicole, Franco, and the others were stunned for a bit and they realized there's actually someone in the room.

"Who are you? Are you here to kill Mr. Jason?!" Franco asked with vigilance in his eyes.

Flux laughed weirdly which was quite different from his normal voice, it sounds like something that only appears in horror movies.

"Kill? Is he important?" Flux spoke while pointing at Nicole's father, "There's nothing different between the man in the bed and you in my eyes."

"But since Ms. Nicole asked for my help then, of course, I will have to help her. But coincidentally, we both have the same condition. Isn't that funny and interesting?" Flux laughed weirdly that even Nicole felt scared while looking at Flux.

Franco didn't reply but instead shouted, "Guards! A killer has appeared please help us!"

The men in black who are inside the villa immediately rushed to the room.

The door was knocked opened and ten men in black appeared as they quickly surrounded the masked man Flux.

One of the men in black seemingly the leader approached Nicole and asked, "Ms. Nicole, where is the killer?"

Nicole was going to speak but Franco pointed at Flux and shouted, "That's it the killer!"

The men in black who spoke earlier were puzzled since he was the one who confirmed that it was Nicole's friend so he looks at Nicole with a puzzled expression.

A heavy slap can be heard in the room, Franco was stunned when he felt a searing pain in his cheek even the doctors behind him was stunned as well.

"How dare you frame my friend?! You are such a despicable doctor!" Nicole angrily shouted to Franco.

Franco immediately woke up from being stunned and shouted, "How dare you slap me?! Aren't I helping you to save your father? Then I won't save him anymore. I will make sure no one will!"

Franco roared as his voice turned hoarse and left the room followed by the other doctors meanwhile the men in black were speechless by the drama however Nicole's tears keep falling making the men in black heart's ache.

"Jejeje~ have you asked my permission to leave?" Flux said with a weird laughed.

The ten men in black who heard it, they felt goosebumps and they felt extreme danger from Flux's body.

The leader of men in black his face became ugly as they protected Nicole from the harm and stared at Flux with vigilance.

"Ms. Nicole, is he really your friend?" A leader asked with a trembling voice.

Nicole nodded to the leader and turn her attention to Flux, "Can you help me now?"

Flux stared at Nicole for a while and replied, "I'll fix this guy first, it's been a long time since someone tried to frame me."

Flux walks slowly towards Franco and every step he made, the danger is getting more heavier that a sweat appeared in some men in black's forehead.

"D-Don't come!! I-I am the director of East Hospital, I-I know Mark Garzon..if you touch me he will kill you!!" Franci said while his face is getting paler and paler.

Flux stopped for a while and a deduction appeared in his mind 'it should be Nicole's enemy', and then recovered as he walks towards Franco.

Franco tried to run when he saw that Flux is already in front of him, but a man in black blocked him. Despair and fear assaulted his heart.

Flux under the eyes of many, he stared at Franco who currently sat on the floor with a pale face.

'Should I use magic? Hmm, I haven't started to cultivate the magic path yet but I can still use a few Tier 1 Magic." Flux thought for a while then decided to use his favorite magic.

Flux called the two men in black beside him to hold Franco, and then he stole an army knife from the men in black and sliced his palm.

He drew a mysterious pattern using his blood while chanting a sacrificial ancient language.

"Magic; Blood Sacrifice"

After Flux was done making a mysterious pattern under the eyes of many, they were puzzled by Flux's actions and even felt creeped out.

The mysterious patterned brightened but only Flux can see it since he is a cultivator. In fact, this kind of sacrificial thing is quite common to those who wanted to become a God instead of Immortal.

Magic users will become God. Cultivators will become Immortals.

Magic users have their own continent which is called Magic Continent. The Immortal and Magic Continent can be said to be neighbors.

After the mysterious pattern lit, the blood disappeared but magic energy appeared which entered his body.

Flux felt mysterious yet another energy in his body and he knew this is the magic energy.

Nicole wanted to speak but when she saw Flux hand touching Franco's mouth she stopped and waited.

"Are you ready?" Flux asked with a smile.

Flux didn't wait for Franco's reply and immediately touched his stomach and whispered, "Magic: Internal Distortion"


A shrill came out from Franco's mouth, the men in black holding Franco trembled and paled. Even the leader of men in black, Nicole and the other doctors paled"

"W-What's happening to him? What did you do to him?!" Nicole asked Flux, and she also felt so scared that even her fear could be heard in her voice.

Flux glanced at Nicole and calmly replied, "Nothing, his organs should be in a mess right now. Although he won't die he is experiencing his organs being twisted right now."

Nicole and others looked at Flux with deep fear in their eyes, while also looking at Franco who's shrilling something they never expected to come from human's voice.

"C-Can you stop it? Please?" Nicole pleaded to Flux because she can no longer bear the shrill voices anymore.

Flux stared at her, but the others felt scared even the men in black felt weak while looking at the masked Flux.

A horrible killing intent spread again shrouding the entire room while being accompanied by a shrill that didn't seem to come from a human. It could be said to be a perfect combo.

Flux immediately retracted his killing intent but instead of stopping the torture, he just disabled Franco's voice.

"I'll heal your father now, I'm getting bored here." Flux spoke to Nicole.

Nicole just did what Flux asked which is to leave him alone in the room for a bit. While Franco is currently shaking on the ground as if being possessed by a ghost.