Is it wrong to kill while casually recruiting someone?

In Garzon Villa.

"Dad, when will they send Nicole? It's already at 10 pm." Mark Garzon said to his father.

Luis Garzon glanced at his son and took his phone to dial someone.

The phone was quickly picked up on the other side and quickly answered.

"Boss, do you have any task?" Goldy asked with respect in his voice.

"Have you seen her coming out from that secluded villa?" Luis replied with a powerful voice.

"Please wait...oh, how coincident, I saw her coming out just now. Should I abduct her?" Goldy asked.

"No, she should be coming here. I will call you once again, make sure to ready your men there if something goes awry." Luis replied and hanged up the phone.

Mark who was calmly listening on the side suddenly became cheerful and said, "Finally, I can taste that bitch."

Luis frowned a bit but sighed in sadness and thought 'Sorry, Dear. I spoiled our son too much.'.

Luis Garzon was, in fact, a man with the bottom line. Unfortunately, he loves his son too much and will give anything that his son wants. Before his wife was dead, they can still be considered as good people but it all fell apart when his wife died of cancer.

To this day, Mark has harmed many women under the eyes of Luis, and Luis knew that there will be a time that they will die one for the sins that they committed.

Luis just shook his head and stood up to get some food but suddenly, he saw a very blurry shadow that appeared on the windows.

If it wasn't because of the light which makes it more at least clearer for a bit, he wouldn't know that there is actually someone that was able to sneak inside their heavily guarded villa.

Luis immediately took his phone and called someone, and when the phone connected he quickly spoke, "Someone sneaked in, find him for me useless shit!"

On the other side of the phone, Jaguar's face darkened. He was patrolling outside the villa with his twenty men yet, someone still was able to sneak inside.

"Someone sneak inside the house, immediately kill the person once you've seen him," Jaguar shouted to the satellite phone in his hand.

Jaguar and his subordinates started to act in unity while trying to find the person who sneaks inside.

But suddenly, a subordinate who was quite far away from others screamed which was heard bu Jaguar and the rest.

When Jaguar and the others reached the back of the villa, which was quite dark since it's full of woods he frowned for a bit while looking at his dead subordinate on the ground.

He crouches and saw that there is blood flowing on the throat of his subordinate, and he gasped in horror and he realized that their enemy is more likely to be a top professional assassin.


A blurry shadow appeared outside of the villa while using the darkness as his camouflage.

"Damn, these guys are quite annoying." The blurry shadow muttered.

This blurry shadow was none other than Flux.

"Hahaha, but I never thought that I really have Demon Requiem's Physique. What's even interesting is that eating a soul is delicious, it's like a sweet candy that makes anyone addicted to it. And also, I can feel that I can absorb the soul to increase my cultivation or just let it stack and I can use it to forcefully increase my strength several times once in a deadly situation."

"Overall, the two options are pretty good, but I wonder if there are still options for my physique? We can only know about it as I get stronger but first, I decided to kill everyone and eat their souls. Hahaha!" Flux spoke to himself while a maniacal laughed couldn't escape from his mouth causing him to be spotted.

Jaguar heard a maniacal laughed which was not far away from him, and he shouted to his subordinates.

"Shoot! Start shooting at that side, he's using the darkness as his camouflage!"

Jaguar and his subordinates used their guns and shoot the area which was where Flux was without mercy.

Those who are here to safeguard the villa was trained by a soldier before and every one of them has an illegal gun.

Jaguar and the other twenty subordinates started to shot.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound was like an apocalypse in the eyes of normal people but Flux, on the other hand, was already quite far away from the spot where it was being rained down.

After a while, they stopped firing since they no longer have bullets in their magazine.

"Let's go and check it," Jaguar said to his subordinates and slowly approached the dark area.

Flux just smiled at them and quickly climbed the second floor of the villa. He was like a ninja when he was climbing.

Flux appeared in a room, he frowned and used his spirit sense to check his surroundings and the smirked.

His spirit sense caught two people in the other room just beside where he was. But what was interesting is that it was actually a young man and a mature woman around thirties playing together.

Flux slowly walk on the other room and then tried to open the door and realized it wasn't locked and opened it and entered silently.

The room was dark but in his eyes, nothing changes. He saw them playing together on the bed while he was watching them in the corner.

He is like a ghost just quietly watching at them.

"Ah. Ah. Ah." The woman moaned while being ravaged by Mark.

"You're so good. Ah...Ahh.Ahn.." The woman moaned.

Luis smirked as he kept pounding, while not realizing there was someone inside his room.

Suddenly, Luis heard a weird voice.

"Can I join?"

Luis was startled and shocked then he turned his attention to where the voice came from.

"Who are you?"

Flux just laughed weirdly and used his speed to appear in front of Mark.


A swish sounds could be heard which made Luis and the woman on the bed shivering wonder. However, the woman screamed in fright when Mark fell beside her and blood sputtered from his throat which unfortunately at the side of where the woman's face at.

The woman screamed so loud while trying to remove the blood on her fave which came from Luis. Meanwhile, Luis still didn't die but instead still clutching to his throat while gurgling sounds could be heard as he tried to inhale.

Mark's death was surely not an easy one. Then, Flux stared at the woman then hovered his hand with a dagger on it.

The woman who was done cleaning her face suddenly saw a beautiful light, and when she looked closely it was actually a dagger!

"N-No, please don't kill me." The woman cried so much while begging Flux.

Flux didn't speak but instead used his spirit sense to check his surroundings first and then he saw Jaguar and others that seem searching inside the house.

He quickly looked back at the woman and said, "Since you don't mind paying your body to someone. I am interested in you, do you want to be one of us? Do you want to become rich? Do you want to become beautiful? Do you want to become powerful where you can play weak men? If you agree, then just nod. It will be a pity if I will kill you here. You have 30 seconds to answer."

Flux didn't care whether the beautiful mature woman in front of him is useless. He can transform her to become an extremely beautiful woman and used it as her power. There are many ways to make someone strong but if you are really useless then it's better for you to be killed anyway.

After 30 seconds, the beautiful mature woman said, "Okay, I'll join as long as what you said is true."

Flux smiled and then used a mysterious contract that can bind them to him. The woman trembled and a temple logo appeared in the woman's forehead and then disappeared. The woman sinks into her thoughts and heard a mysterious voice and she also saw that there was a potion that can make her beautiful and young.

After five minutes, she snapped out and Flux voice once rang in her ears again.

"We don't need useless person and since you are able to come inside the house of Garzon. That means you are quite known by his father, Luis. So, I want you to kill him for me, you can use anything as long as you think it's a good idea. Show your proof then I will give you anything except eternal life."

After hearing it, the woman took a deep breath and muttered, "I, Jenny, will make sure not to disappoint you, Hall Master!"