Free-For-All In The School Campus

Sky University.

It was already 12:00 PM, the time for students to eat their lunch.

If there is a school building then there is also a building for the canteen. It is ridiculously big, almost the same as the student building which is able to cater to all the students without problems.

And the owner of this building was none other than Flux's fiancee, Samantha.

Samantha's father is the head of the Department of Education, so it could be said her father is a very high ranking person. This is also the reason why Samantha is arrogant due to her environment but luckily, she was not that unreasonable and she still knows to admit her faults.

At the rooftop of Canteen Building, Flux, and Yang Mei could be seen laughing as they chatted together.

The rooftop isn't something that a student can just go but instead, it is more like a place only for someone with a very good background family.

Samantha, who has just arrived saw Flux and Yang Mei chatting as they laugh together. Somehow, she felt quite angry because he is still her fiancee and most students knew about it after that situation happened.

Suddenly, Yang Mei called her and shouted, "Samantha! Sit here!"

Samantha didn't want to see Flux, although it was indeed her fault it also made her reputation got cracked. But she remembered that she still has to ask Yang Mei about their practice about an event that will happen in the school.

So Samantha approached them and sat beside Yang Mei, while Flux ignored her presence as if she didn't exist at all.

"Samantha, what do you want to eat? Flux will be the one who will pay." Yang Mei said completely ignoring Flux's consent.

It also made Flux frowned but didn't say anything but he was also quite surprised for Samantha being able to not show any hostility despite being disgraced in front of many people.

'Either this woman acknowledged her mistake or she is just too deep in scheming that not even a trace of hostility from her which looks a little bit scary.' Flux thought and then no longer cared about it since she's just a mortal anyway.

Samantha glanced at Flux when she heard Yang Mei's words, and she quickly called the staff and ordered two sandwiches and a bottle of water.

After Samantha was done ordering she took a deep breath before turning to face Flux and said, "Zion, I am sorry for what I've done to you. I hope you'll forgive me."

A look of surprise appeared in Yang Mei's face because she naturally knows how arrogant Samantha is, even Flux was also a bit surprised but Flux's expression is still indifferent as if he didn't hear anything.

Flux glanced at Samantha and stared in her eyes for a while, and he saw the sincerity in it and replied, "I accept your apology while I also hope you can forgive me for what I have done to you. Lastly, I hope you can call me Flux instead of Zion, especially you, Yang Mei."

Yang Mei and Samantha looked into each other and their expression became weird, but they still nodded despite hearing for the odd name.

After that, the atmosphere became quiet and weird until Samantha spoke, "Yang Mei, next week will be the singing contest between Sky University and Eastern University. We have already recruited normal members but we still can't find a student who can defeat the singing champion from Eastern University. We need to find a student that can contend and defeat him or else we will lose our school's reputation being the number 1 school in the world."

Yang Mei became serious and she fell into contemplation and suddenly, she felt electrocuted and a blushed appeared in her cheeks and her attention turned to Flux.

Samantha was confused by Yang Mei's weird state and saw her attention looking at Flux as if he has done something to her.

"Why are you looking at him?" Samantha asked Yang Mei while pointing at Flux who has been silent.

Yang Mei became excited and enthusiastically said, "If Flux will join us then their champion is nothing but dirt!"

Samantha looked at her with doubt and asked, "Are you telling me this usele-- Flux, can sing?"

Yang Mei nodded joyfully and replied, "Yes, I believe no one is as good as him!"

Samantha didn't believe at all but since Yang Mei said so, then it's not bad to give it a try.

"Then can you sing one song for us?" Samantha asked Flux with doubt in her face while a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Flux glanced at the two girls with outstanding beauties but still indifferently replied, "I refuse."

Yang Mei and Samantha felt angry and amused at the same time since it's normal for a guy to show off to earn her goddess's favor, yet this guy ruthlessly rejected them without thinking.

"Why don't you want to do it? Don't you want to become famous? Your parents will be proud of you, even my father! The school will also be thankful to you and even help you fix obstacles in the future and there is so much more!" Samantha said passionately to Flux.

Flux just gave her a glance and said with thick disdain, "Becoming famous also means more trouble. So what if my parents will be proud so does your father. What does it gotta do with me? Fix my future obstacles? I can do it on my own anyway."

Who was he? He is someone who was treated like dirt until he rose bit by bit and became the most feared Supreme Immortal without asking any help but only using his own abilities!

He doesn't care about anyone being proud of him, after completely possessing Zion's body, he didn't even feel the so-called 'family' emotions.

But as being the son of Hart Family, he will still do his best to keep them from harm and even make them rise from the status.

Yang Mei and Samantha became speechless as they stared at Flux, wondering why he is too weird and different from other guys.

When Samantha wanted to speak but suddenly, they heard screams and shouts that seem coming from below.

Yang Mei and Samantha quickly arrived on the fence and lean on it as they watched people that seem fighting.

"Let's go down and use the elevator! It's been quite a long time since a brawl happens." Yang Mei said to Flux and Samantha as they quickly rush to the elevator.

When they descended, Flux, Yang Mei and Samantha saw a lot of students fighting.

Blood keeps flowing on the ground as the students rushed to each other as they threw their fist into their enemy's faces.

The sight of more than 100 students fighting on the ground is truly hilarious yet a very rare thing to happen at all.

Students fell to the ground twitching as they keep spitting with blood, some with broken noses, and there are even some students that got their arm or leg broken.

At the Canteen Building, a lot of students are leaning on the fence as they stared on the fight below. It is as if some kind of an extremely famous person appeared and if someone can see everyone in a bird's view, it truly looks like a concert at all.

Shouts coming from those students who are in the Canteen Building from 2nd to 5th floor. Massive students are rushing as they circled the majestic brawls while cheering for them.

Girls, on the other hand, are screaming as they saw their prince charming that got brutally beaten.

Yang Mei and Samantha who arrived first and front saw the whole brawl at all, both of them are very scared because they were almost hit but luckily, Flux saved them.

A student who has seemingly gone insane started to rush in many students as he madly threw his face without caring for the upcoming fists and kicks from his enemies. It was like a robot who doesn't give a fuck about humans using their guns.

There is also a weird student on the corner who helps his teammate who fell and suddenly, the student who fell became energized once again.

There is also a weird student who seems to be the leader being covered by his members as the enemies rushed at him. However, whenever they wave their fist, they felt as if their brain was attacked and it was too painful that it made them stop only when they got back to their senses that they saw a fist and kicks which brutally got himself beaten.

After five minutes, and those weird students won the brawl. Their faces are truly wrecked, blood keeps pouring from their noses, bruises on their faces that seem no longer human.

However, all of them stood up with confidence under the roars of the students from those in Canteen Building or even in the Student Building.

Meanwhile, Flux, who was just calmly watching them suddenly laughed which made the girls beside him surprised.

"Why are you laughing? Don't you see blood on the floor at all?!" Yang Mei said angrily to Flux.

Flux didn't reply and just calmly looked at the familiar students.

However, this time, a student who fought suddenly spoke, "Isn't that boss?"

The weird students who fought stopped their tracks and they stared at the direction at where Flux is.

This made the students who were watching became curious as they saw the weird students approaching Flux.

Yang Mei and Samantha paled when they saw the bloodied students coming at them as they hid behind Flux.

Everyone thought Flux will get beaten but suddenly, there were shocked that they wanted to gouge their eyes at all.

"Boss!" The bloodied students roared and bowed in front of Flux, which made everyone dumbfounded and even the security who just recently arrived to clean up the mess.

The students who were watching couldn't believe that more than 50 students bowed in front of a student who seems to be only in First-Year College.

Flux smiled bitterly in his heart, he didn't want to be recognized but unfortunately, it didn't go that way at all.

"Good job! Zenith, Cleo, you guys properly help each other and immediately cure those who have critical injuries." Flux said to everyone.

Just like what everyone thought, the weird students are Flux's newly made subordinates who just happened to pick a fight to those who have bullied them.

Flux patted the shoulder of Prince Zenith and Cleo and they quickly helped their members as they left together under the awe of the other students.

Meanwhile, Yang Mei and Samantha couldn't believe what they have seen. They just stood dumbstruck while watching Flux leaving together with those bloodied students.

Samantha woodenly spoke to Yang Mei, "I never thought my fiancee is actually this awesome. My eyes are truly blind at all."

"You don't like him right? I think I'm falling in love with him." Yang Mei spoke slowly, while an unknown emotion appeared in her eyes while watching Flux's fading back.

Meanwhile, Flux was completely oblivious by what he has done. It was enough to trigger a girl's heart, to become a boss for those influential students is enough for the girls to realize Flux is almost near to every girls' prince charming.