Sister and The News of Devil Fruit

Flux's subordinates were quickly called after the aftermath. Flux naturally followed them since he didn't want his subordinates being trashed if ever their background family couldn't defeat the other party.

Although all of them are with a good background some of them might not even be in good terms with their family so it is better for him to know in advance so he can plan and quickly fix it.

When they finally arrived outside the school office, they already saw several students who were also among those who fought in the brawl.

When Flux's subordinate saw them they wanted to rush at them but Flux stopped them which made those security guards at the side sigh in relief while also a look of awe in their eyes while looking at Flux.

After all, not anyone can stop 70 students with influential backgrounds just because of your words especially if you are also a student. This made the teachers who are also on the other side and security guards size up and down Flux.

Flux glanced at Zenith beside him and asked, "By the way, are the other party has a leader or something?"

Zenith just shrugged off and replied, "There's none at all. In fact, it was us who started it. We just waited for them to leave their classroom and then that's how the brawl happened."

Flux was a little bit speechless and thought for a bit, 'They broke some arms and legs, wouldn't the school expel them? I think it shouldn't be a problem, being pressured by 70 students with an influential background isn't something you wish to happen. I just hope there won't be someone that got beaten which has a special identity or else the situation would be quite tricky.' after thinking about it, he stopped and didn't care anymore.

After waiting for a while, Principal Johnson finally appeared with a dark expression while watching the students which still has bruises on their faces. There are even a few students that have to use a wheelchair because his legs got broken.

"Just tell me what the hell happen? We are a prestigious school yet a brawl more than a hundred students actually happened on the campus?! Are you fucking kidding me?" Johnson shouted at them and couldn't help but cursed.

Johnson didn't care about whether his reputation will go downhill because of his words because behind him is one of the shareholders of the Sky University.

The students who got beaten and lost in a brawl cried and snot appeared as they pointed at the direction where Flux and his subordinates are.

"It's them who started it, Principal! You have to give us justice or else I will tell this to my mother. I just wanted to eat lunch in the canteen yet two people suddenly attacked me." A student cried while snot appearing on his face despite his nose being covered by a bandage clearly his nose was broken.

Johnson's dark face twitched when he heard he is going to tell this to her mother, it would even be bad if he did so since her mother is the owner of New York Post, a newspaper company. It would be too bad if they started to spread a lot of bad news about the school which would severely damage the school's reputation.

So Johnson coughed and replied, "Don't worry, as long as they are indeed in the wrong then I will give you justice."

Johnson approached where Flux and others are but due to Flux's position being on the corner, Johnson didn't see him but instead asked the student whom he knew.

"Prince Zenith, why did you all start a brawl? You are all with influential backgrounds, are you all not afraid tarnishing the reputation of your family?" Johnson asked Zenith with a serious look.

Zenith's face didn't change at all and calmly stared at Johnson and said, "I just helped my brothers to get their revenge."

Johnson was stunned and unconsciously asked, "Revenge?"

Zenith nodded and said with a smile, "Most of my brothers here was being physically bullied repeatedly before until we united and helped each other to get revenge.

Johnson smiled bitterly and said, "You made too much of commotion."

Zenith just laughed after hearing it and replied, "We just gave back what they did to my brothers and if they are still grieving then we can start a brawl outside the school."

Johnson shook his head and turned back to the student who was screaming for justice and said, "It was actually due to the bullying that got you beaten. Yet you're asking for justice which is truly hilarious, all of you are dismissed, there is no justice for you and instead, forget what happened and recuperate back." Then he faces Zenith and said, "I hope this will not happen anymore."

Zenith nodded and the others spoke together, "Thank you, Principal!"

Flux and the others left together leaving those other students with hatred and resentment in their eyes while a look of surprise appeared in Johnson's eyes while looking at Flux that seems to be the true leader in the group.

'To think he is able to subdue someone from an ancient family. I never thought that man would've such an amazing child at all.' Johnson thought to himself.

Flux and the others separated when they came back from the School Building. The class resumed once again while Flux felt bored inside the classroom.

Luckily, today's class ended in a blink of an eye and the students left the school bit by bit.

"Damn it, sitting in the school is too boring and if it wasn't because I can't cultivate for fear of being interrupted then I would've instead started to absorb Dark Energy without giving a shit from the rest" Flux muttered to himself while waiting for a taxi outside the school gate.

It's not that he didn't have a car but he felt it wasn't necessary since he didn't plan to go anywhere aside from school anyway.

Suddenly, he heard a honk and a red Ferrari stopped in front of him.

"Handsome, do you want a ride?" The woman wearing sunglasses spoke.

Flux frowned and doubt appeared in his eyes, although his face is considered to be handsome just like those you can find in the tv, he believes that it still wasn't the main reason and thought the woman has another intention.

Flux stared at the woman and slightly raised eyebrows in surprise and realized that it's comparable to Yang Mei and Samantha. But the difference is that the woman in front of him is more voluptuous and mature which looking to be around at the age of 23-25.

"Who are you? Why do I feel you're quite familiar? Have we met?" Flux asked while staring with doubt.

The woman was speechless and took away her sunglasses and angrily shouted, "You damn brat! You actually don't remember about your sister?!"

Flux was dumbstruck and quickly check his memories and realized it's actually her sister, well, Zion's sister.

Flux quickly got in the car and said, "Sorry, I was too blinded by my sister's beauty causing my thoughts to get muddled. By the way, what are you doing here sister? Didn't you go to Japan?"

Michelle felt angry in her heart, she visited him because it's been quite a long time since the last time she had seen her brother, but instead, it felt like when she came to visit him it's more like she is a trouble that needs to be shooed away.

"What? You don't like your sister visiting you? Could it be that you're hiding a woman in your condominium? I'll definitely tell mom and dad." Michelle said to Flux as she drove her Ferrari to Flux's condo.

Flux rubbed his temple and felt a headache just by thinking of his sister because according to his memories, Michelle and Zion have always been close since they were young.

It was only when Zion chose Sky University which was far from their house which temporarily cut off their connection.

However, unfortunately, Zion already disappeared from who knows where and inside his body is Flux, an old monster.

Flux felt that he should distance from her, he was not the Zion whom she is very close but Flux instead. What's even worse, when he possessed the body of Zion what he got was only memories but not emotions.

Although he is his sister for him, for Zion, it was like familiar yet at the same time stranger. In other words, he didn't have the feelings of her as his 'sister'.

And coupled with his nature that would become suddenly flirty, it would really be a problem if he ever made a mistake especially when Zion's sister is truly too ripe and beautiful.

Although committing a taboo is disdained and some even felt disgusted in Earth, however, for those who are in Immortal Continent taboo relationship is nothing but a common thing.

Such as the imperial family who didn't want another family to control their empire. So instead, they created a tradition which is to only marry those who have the same blood of them to keep their powers.

Although it sounds disgusting no one wants to let others with different blood control an empire that their ancestor ruled for tens of thousands of years lest it will fall to the scheming enemy.

And as a native of Immortal Continent, Flux didn't give a shit about the so-called taboo but as respect for Zion. He didn't want to have a deeper connection with her anymore lest accident will happen.

After all, once you are truly strong that you can go against the law even the so-called taboo will no longer work on you as well.

"No, I don't have a woman in my condo because I am too busy studying. Are you going to go home later, sister?" Flux asked while looking a little anxious.

Michelle stared at him through the mirror and felt his brother acting weird and asked, "Are you sick? Should we go to the hospital?"

Flux shook his head and wanted to speak and realized they've already arrived.

After they were done to park the car, they quickly use an elevator and finally arrived at Flux's condominium.

Michelle started to look around and saw it was quite spacious and she teased her brother, "Did you deliberately choose a spacious condominium so bringing two or more women wouldn't be a problem?"

Flux felt depressed while he thought, 'if you keep teasing me, aren't you trying to make me commit a crime and taboo at the same time?' however, he didn't say it out loud and entered his room and locked the door while watching his sister using his spirit sense with a depressed look on his face.

Michelle was very angry and she really started to think that her brother suddenly changed when he left to go to Sky University.

Before they use to joke with each other and even talk for an entire night but now, she felt her brother gave her a cold shoulder.

Then, Michelle left without saying goodbye to Flux. But Flux saw it through his Spirit Sense, he saw her sister leaving and felt happy.

"I can finally properly breathe!" Flux said and started to cook noodles.

After he was done cooking, the doorbell suddenly rang which made Flux curious.

When Flux opened the door, he saw his sister who brought her luggage, which made him shocked and asked unconsciously,

"Didn't you leave?"

Michelle glared at him and said, "I will stay here for a while, now quickly open the door I want to take a shower."

Flux opened the door woodenly and felt his chrysanthemum tightening and muttered, "sigh, if i ever committed a crime then don't blame me, Zion.'

Flux closed the door and goes back to the dining area to eat his food, however, he seems to have heard a slurping sound.

"What the hell why are you eating my food?!" Flux angrily said, he just made noodles for the first time yet it was actually eaten by his sister.

Michelle glanced at Flux and said with discontent, "Hmph, so stingy for noodles."

After Michelle was done eating, she quickly left to take a shower while Flux was going to cook for another noodle again.

After he was done cooking, he was going to eat but suddenly, he heard his sister's voice.

"Zion! Please get my towel in my luggage, I forgot to bring it with me."

Flux facepalmed himself, despite being an old monster he couldn't help but curse out loud, "Fate really wants me to fucking commit a crime. I wanted to be a good boy yet fate doesn't want me to become like that."

"Hey, are you still there? Get my towel quickly is too cold." Michelle shouted while shivering a little.

Flux shouted back and immediately took the briefcase near the television and opened it and took the towel.

Flux slowly approaches the car and said, "I am coming now."

Flux opened the door with a little crack and then used his right hand that is currently grasping a towel and slipped his hand into the crack which is just enough and said, "Come and quickly take it.

Michelle saw Flux's hand clutching a towel and she felt quite amused and then shouted, "Don't enter or else I'll destroy your eyes."

After she said that, she left the bathtub completely showing off her voluptuous body and her majestic peaks and the droplets from her body are even making it more arousing. Even her forbidden triangle is completely exposed and if Flux tried to use his Spirit Sense, he would surely get hard despite being an old monster.

Unfortunately, Flux didn't do it for he is a kind and honest man and Michelle quickly took the towel in Flux's hand.

Later on, Michelle wrapped the towel in her body but it still couldn't hide the curves of her body. When she left the bathroom, she saw Flux staring at her with a stunned expression.

"Goddamn it." Flux muttered while gulping as she stared at his sister's body being wrapped by the towel.

Michelle frown and looked at Flux and said, "What are you looking at?"

"Too voluptuous." Flux said absentmindedly.

Michelle felt angry after all she is his sister and angrily said, "What did you say?!"

When Flux was going to speak but suddenly, he received a familiar voice in his mind.

"Mr. Flux, I checked the Information Panel and absorbed all free information such as about special fruits. This time, my subordinate found a fruit that seems similar to [Devil Fruit] in the Information Panel."

The voice was none other than Jason, Flux quickly asked in his mind while he started to breathe raggedly, "Where's the fruit? Did you get it?"

It took several seconds for Jason to reply, "Sorry for the late reply, I was still confused about this Message Panel. Back to Mr. Flux's question, I don't have the fruit right now because it was already late when I received information from my subordinate. The one who got it is from Janzen Family, a martial arts family. So I tried to trade it with money but they rejected my offer despite offering 20 million dollars, I wanted to use extreme means but I realized using gangsters wouldn't work against martial arts family so I decided to let Mr. Flux know in advance."

Flux felt excited after hearing it and quickly replied and he will visit him, while his breathing finally stabilized.

However, he felt quite weird and glanced at Michelle who was currently too pale and panicky.

"What's wrong?"

Michelle with a teary eye replied while covering her body using her arms, "W-Why are you breathing too raggedly?? I thought y-y-you're gonna...."

Flux facepalmed himself and didn't reply at all and instead left Michelle in a confused state. He didn't want to get too close with Michelle and it just happens that there is something for him to waste his time and then he left his condominium silently leaving Michelle alone.

After Michelle was done dressing she tried to find her brother and realized he had already left silently.

'My brother suddenly changed...' A tear escape from Michelle's left eye.