Martial Arts Organization

It took thirty minutes for Flux to arrived outside Jason's villa.

He saw several men in black hiding in an inconspicuous spot using his spirit sense, if it was a normal person then they wouldn't think there would be someone hiding on such a spot at all.

The men in black saw him but they didn't stop him, clearly, Jason already reported to the leader of men in black to let Flux him enter the villa. Also, who dares to block Flux when most of them saw his mysterious ability that is beyond their common sense? What's more, it was even more like a cruel technique they have seen.

So, Flux calmly walked until he reached the villa's door and opened it.

When he entered the villa, he saw Jason and Nicole who are preparing for food on the table while Nicole and Jason heard their door creaked which means Flux has already arrived.

"Mr. Flux, sorry for not being able to greet you because I was still fixing these foods on the table," Jason said sincerely while Nicole just frowned by her dad's subservient attitude.

Flux just laughed and replied, "It's fine." then, he coughed before his expression turned serious and immediately asked, "So what kind of people Janzen Family are?"

Jason sat across from Flux and he said with a serious look, "Janzen Family is part of the Martial Artist Organization, a tier five martial artists family. Ordinary people did not know but those who are members of Martial Artists Organization have a 'special' status in every country, which means they can train their own subordinates that wouldn't exceed their tier system status."

Jason paused for a second before continuing, "Martial Arts Family are graded using the tier system. The tier one is the highest while the lowest is a tier five and although their tier status is the lowest even a person with a net worth of billion would rather not choose to offend them. It wasn't because they are afraid but the organization behind them is way too big for them to fight because those from the organization will quickly help them. What's more, there was even a legend that the leader of the Martial Arts Organization is too powerful that even guns wouldn't work on him."

The more Flux hears it, the more his eyes brighten because even he himself at his current cultivation couldn't say that he can fend off bullets easily so he thought, 'If this martial artist is the same from Immortal Continent then it should be a little bit powerful but this person could also be a Foundation Establishment.' because of this, Flux felt like while Martial Arts Organization can be easily be found in the surface then those in the dark, there should be a lot of organization, especially for cultivators.

Maximum subordinates in each tier.

Tier 1- 500 subordinates

Tier 2 - 400 subordinates

Tier 3 - 300 subordinates

Tier 2 - 100 subordinates

Tier 1 - 50 subordinates

This made him become excited and he couldn't help but lick his lips thinking how delicious would it be eating their souls.

Jason felt his heart cold when he saw Flux's face, it looks like a hungry person who couldn't wait to eat his favorite food.

When Flux came back to his senses, he clapped startling Nicole and said to Jason, "What's the name of the leader of Janzen Family?"

Jason stared at Flux curiously and asked, "It's Hank, Hank Janzen."

Flux nodded and said nonchalantly, "Call him and offer fifty million dollars for the fruit."

Jason nodded and took out his phone from his pocket and called Hank's number.




It took three rings before the call was picked up by the other party.

"What do you want again?! Didn't I tell you that I am not selling it? I don't mind telling you the secret of this fruit, once you eat this fruit then your current strength will be tripled and you will even look younger." Hank Janzen shouted through the phone feeling pissed off.

Hank didn't care whether Jason will be displeased by his words since he knew the difference between them. He is a martial artist while the other one is just simply a normal person, the difference is like heaven and earth apart.

But if Hank knew that Jason is a member of the Everlasting Mystery which would slowly show its fangs to the world, I really wonder how would he react but before that to happen, let's first see whether Hank's life can still survive to see that day.

After Hank was done talking on the phone, Jason quickly said, "Fifty million dollars. I'll buy it."

Hank Janzen was already pissed off because the [Devil Fruit] will be given as a tribute to a fourth tier martial artist, which made him angry because he couldn't use it on his own but for the family's benefits.

To promote your tier status, you must need to be referred to by higher than your tier status. What's more, you'll have to be referred five times before he can improve his family's tier five status into four.

There are many benefits of becoming a tier four and just like right now, tier five is more like a servant who needs to suck up to tier four and give them gifts. Also, they can train more subordinates under them and build their own little army.

Hank took a deep breath before shouting as veins appeared in his forehead, "I told you I don't need money at all! Don't call me again and if you call me about this again then I'll seriously send someone to assassinate you!"

'Hmph, these normal people are surely annoying as hell and if it wasn't because the rule of the organization stated that we cannot show our power that was already unscientific then I would've shown them the difference between us.' Hank thought to himself while a look of ugly expression appeared in his face as he stared at the [Devil Fruit] on the table beside him.

For Martial Artists, [Devil Fruit] is a treasure for every who wishes to reach the peak. It can strengthen the body, strength, speed and etc for three times.

If you can easily kill a cow using your fist and when you eat a [Devil Fruit] then your strength will surely become truly ridiculous, well, for Martial Artists of course.

When Hank Janzen hanged up, Jason's serious face turned extremely dark and ugly in face time and even Nicole couldn't help asked, "Why is your expression so ugly, Dad?"

"This Hank is too brazen saying he will send an assassin to kill me if I keep annoying him," Jason said with a dark face and shook his head.

Flux heard it, and he laughed making Nicole angry who shouted angrily, "Bastard, what are you laughing at?"

Nicole felt angry because Flux's words seem like a salt being rubbed on his father's injury.

Flux just smiled when he saw an angry face and said to Jason, "Since he doesn't want to steal it properly then I'll send someone to get it."

Nicole was stunned while Jason smiled even more because when he was absorbing information, he naturally knew one or two mysterious ability of Flux.

"Then everything would be easy but it's just that each Hank's men have a powerful gun on them. They might even have an assault rifle in their hands." Jason said his worries to Flux.

Flux thought for a while and nodded although his subordinates have the ability that came from the demons, it was still not enough to truly contend against guns.

What's more, they are still a newbie and some of them might not even be able to kill a dog let alone a human.

'It seems I can only go by myself, and after coming back I should write a training course for my subordinates. After all, I am not a very generous person who will casually give an ability because I was bored. Even if some didn't agree with the training, useless people shall be excluded and I'll take back their ability.' Flux thought to himself and a demonic glint appeared in his eyes scaring Jason and Nicole.

As someone who can give an ability then he can also use an array to forcibly take the ability from someone. It was a very cruel array which can even steal someone's foundation, even if you were a cripple but once you stole the foundation of a genius that would appear once in every ten thousand years, instead, you'll become the genius and the person who was once a genius will become crippled and may even die.

"Alright, I'll go by myself and it should be fine." Flux said to Jason and Nicole.

Nicole's face was a little worried, completely different from how a teacher should react and she said, "Although I don't understand what you and my father are talking I can still feel the danger in it, be careful."

Jason secretly smiled when he saw it making her. daughter blushed, he even wishes for her daughter to be with Flux despite not knowing who truly he is.

However, those who have mysterious power beyond the reach of human knowledge are enough to make them know that Flux is a treasure cove.

Flux glanced indifferently to Nicole's worried look and replied, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After he said those words, he turns away and left.

"D-Dad... am I not pretty?" Nicole asked his father while her eyes turned watery, a single mistake answer would surely make those tears fall.

Jason sighed while looking at his daughter with who is about to burst in tears, "You're very pretty, my daughter. I even heard that you're one of the most beautiful school flowers in the school."

"B-But he seems to be close with those who are also school flowers. One of them is even his fiancee who is still young and fresh, while I am already more than the twenties." Nicole said to his father, completely showing her vulnerable side.

Nicole never had a boyfriend let alone holding hands with someone. Although she has many suitors she didn't like any of them, she couldn't see any affection from their efforts.

However, Flux, who has been average before suddenly became mysterious completely turning her world upside down.

Although she didn't have feelings at that time, however, when he saved her father, her feelings for him started to change. She could no longer treat him as her student, even her father acts subservient in front of him.

He is like a man who has encountered all sorts of tribulations and successfully fended it off. Although he would become somewhat flirty he never tried taking advantage which is usually common in western countries.

More importantly, Flux is too mysterious as if he is a black hole itself slowly rotating which would attract the attention of many, especially women.

He was even the boss of those influential students and the members of it can even start forming his own school organization which would become great merit for himself in the future.

Overall, she sees Flux as a man as close to the ideal guy she has in her mind. Nicole thought to her suitors who are also considered to be prominent and powerful and she realized that they didn't have the same temperament or at least as strong as his.

'Unfortunately, even though he keeps talking about giving myself to him but I can still see his eyes full of indifference.' Nicole muttered and she burst into tears and left to go to her room leaving her only father with a bitter look on his face.

Jason watched his daughter's mood and he sighed bitterly and said to himself, "For someone like him, we are just dust in his eyes. In order to make him look at you, one must possess something that most people couldn't have."

Jason completely hit the mark, Flux didn't give a shit even if you are beautiful. Without power, he can just turn you into a slut, slave, or even force himself on you and you couldn't even fight back.

What he wants is a strong independent woman who can truly fight against heaven with him. He didn't want his woman to be just a vase, what he wants is a woman that is hailed by masses due to her bravery and the legends that she created in every step she made.

If ever Flux accepted a woman without cultivation then there are only two options, either he will leave the woman full of riches in the mortal world or he will give her the most powerful cultivation technique he has and secretly support her from the dark until she will successfully become a legend.

Because Flux knew how brutal the Immortal Continent is. He was also once someone who was not even a slave but dust.

But with his devious and cruel means, he rose to the top bit by bit without attracting the attention from much higher powers and finally reached the peak in Immortal Continent and hailed as The Most Mysterious Supreme Immortal.