Stealing the Devil Fruit and a False Martial Artist

Aristocratic Grand Hotel.

This is a place where only with status can enter and it is also a subtle hint to show how strong you are for being able to enter in the Aristocratic Grand Hotel.

The Aristocratic Grand Hotel has many branches in the world, so it could be seen just how rich and powerful they are.

In the Business Lobby, Supreme Room.

A very majestic looking room filled with luxuries can be seen inside. The Supreme Room has enough place for fifteen people to live in.

There is a round table in the middle where eight people sat facing each other. If an average person saw this, they would think it's a meeting for those who are top in the world.

A man in his fifties, with an expressionless look called Hank Hanzen, spoke to the handsome young man filled with arrogance in his face as if he disdain everyone.

"Mr. Houston, we, the Janzen Family wishes that you will refer us to the Martial Arts Organization so that we can ascend to Tier Four status." Hank said while looking at the young man.

The handsome young man called Mr. Houston just snorted, he glanced at the 6 Janzen Family members with full of disdain making them furious but couldn't do anything.

Beside him is his can bodyguard that can fight kill a special force easily.

Mr. Houston said to Hank with arrogance, "So what can you give us? You should know that if your tribute isn't enough then maybe we can get more tribute from other Tier Five families."

The 6 people immediately look at Hank while waiting for his response, they are just core members in Janzen Family and the only one who can make the decision is none other than Hank.

Hank Janzen saw Mr. Houston's eyes full of arrogance, disdain, and greed. Seeing this, he knew he had to give everything because they just need a last referral and they will ascend.

And once their status finally ascended from Tier 5 to Tier 4, it will be the time for the Houston Family to pay their greed and arrogance today.

Hank, with a vicious light in his eyes that immediately disappeared replied with a smile, "Mr. Houston, Janzen Family will give a tribute to Houston Family of five hundred million dollars, 20% shares of our company with a net worth of two billion. What do you think?"

Mr. Houston looked a little surprised because he knew in advance that Janzen Family doesn't have much money that he can immediately cash out more than five hundred million dollars.

He didn't expect that they will go all out for today and when he thought about it, he felt it's natural since they only need the last referral for them to ascend to tier 4.

And once they reached tier 4 status, they can easily rip off those tier 5 and if they are lucky, they can even get something that couldn't be bought using money.

But of course, to refer someone is not unlimited and there is a limit but the higher your tier status, the more referral you can do.

Tier 1 - 50 referrals

Tier 2 - 20 referrals

Tier 3 - 10 referrals

Tier 4 - 5 referrals

Tier 5 - NA

So, Mr. Houston felt it wasn't enough to satisfy his family and what's more, this is also their last that they can refer a tier five martial arts family.

"You really didn't hold back, huh." Mr. Houston said with a voice full of arrogance to Hank.

Hank didn't mind the arrogance of the young man, he naturally knew that the person in front of him live in a very comfortable environment as if everything is easy for him to get.

"Of course, after all as a member of the Martial Arts Organization, we know how important to get a higher tier status."

Mr. Houston snorted with disdain and he remembered his father told him that their family only needs to be referred for two times and they can ascend from tier 4 to tier 3.

So he said, "Your tribute is not bad but we don't lack money and this is also the last referral we can do. So, you'll have to bleed today and give us something more than money or you can find another tier four and have them refer you." Mr. Houston said to Hank.

Hank frowned when he heard it, and even if he were to find another tier 4 they might not even refer them and perhaps they'll ask for more tribute that they can chew.

So, with a bitter sigh, he nodded to the core member beside him who was also staring at him. When the core member saw Hank's signal, he took the briefcase under his chair and put it on the table.

Mr. Houston was a little bit puzzled wondering what's inside in the briefcase and earlier when he got into the room, he naturally saw the briefcase but he thought it was just full of rubbish inside.

But right now, he felt a little bit curious about what's inside the briefcase but before he can speak, Hank's voice sounded.

"Mr. Houston, this should be enough for your family to refer us to the organization," Hank said and passed the briefcase to hank while reluctance could still be seen in his eyes.

When he got the briefcase and expectation and curiosity brewed in his heart, and he couldn't help but immediately open it.

But when he saw what's inside he couldn't help but be stunned. It was the [Devil Fruit] one of the rarest fruit written in the Encyclopedia in the organization's library.

Mr. Houston's hand shook while holding the [Devil Fruit], the reason why it was called like that is due to the appearance of the fruit.

It looks like mango but instead, the color is red while there are two small bumps like a horn. There are also weird patterns in the fruit that looks like thunder.

In other words, it looks very weird yet it gave off a seductive smell.

"T-This?! Is this really the [Devil Fruit]?!" Hank asked Hank in a trembling voice while his arrogance disappeared.

Hank nodded expressionlessly but in the depths of his eyes, a vicious and ruthless light keeps appearing while staring at him.

Getting the [Devil Fruit] is already lucky enough and perhaps his luck could be said to be used up. Yet, it was not him who can use it but the family of the young man in front of him.

"Good! Good! You did a good job, Hank. Don't worry I will tell my father when I got home. Within two days, your family will surely be promoted to tier 4." Mr. Houston said to Hank while his eyes are full of excitement.

He quickly bid goodbye to them because he couldn't wait to tell his father.

When Mr. Houston left, the faces of six people including Hank is very dark and bitter.

Using that fruit is enough to turn a weak person into a very powerful person who will lead their family to reach the peak.

Hank saw the dark faces of the core members of his family so he said in a loud voice, "Don't worry because once our family got promoted to tier 4 then we will also get fruits from others."

After hearing this, their faces eased up while a core member suddenly spoke, "You're right but have you seen his eyes full of arrogance and disdain? Are we just letting the Houston Family for this?"

"I wanted to explode too and teach that kid for a lesson. He thought his family is invincible and mighty."

"You're absolutely right."

Looking at the angry faces of the core members, Hank said to everyone, "Don't worry, we will plan slowly and kill them all."

A smile finally broke out from their faces and they all praised Hank.


"Hahaha! I never thought we would get fruit this time. Once they hear it, they will surely be happy!" Mr. Houston said to his bodyguard beside him who has never said anything earlier.

"You're right, master." The bodyguard stiffly spoke and focused on his driving.

It's already 2 am in the morning and the road rarely has vehicles appearing.

However, the bodyguard didn't feel fear and worried at all. After working for more than five years, he has never experienced life-threatening because he knew that if you tried to attack a member of the Martial Arts Organization, you'll just have to wait for your family's destruction.

So this is why it was only him alone accompanying the son of the leader of the Houston family. What's more, they don't have life and death enemies from another family.

However this time, an unfortunate thing happened to them.



A piercing sounded coming from an unknown direction completely exploding the car's tires.

It was too abrupt that two people in the car did not even manage to react as the car flipped several times.

A very weak groan came out from Mr. Houston's mouth inside the car.

The bodyguard was injured and his attire was already very bloody. But as a martial artist, this injury was nothing.

The BMW was already wrecked when it stopped flipping and the doors of the car were even ripped off.

The Bodyguard helped Mr.Houston to leave the car, however, because he didn't wear a seatbelt and he also wasn't a martial artist he was severely injured.

"I couldn't move my arm and I felt pain all over my body." Mr. Houston said weakly while the bones in his arm were completely broken due to the impact.

The bodyguard trembled when he heard it, he naturally knew that the son of the leader was seriously injured and he might get killed for his carelessness.

But as someone who was trained from scratch to a very powerful subordinate, he is still loyal and willing to die for his mistake.

"Just what the fuck happen Conrad? I thought you're once of the direct subordinates of my father which means you've been trained with the most advanced training in the family." Mr. Houston said angrily to his bodyguard and be couldn't help but cry because he really couldn't feel his right arm anymore.

"I-I don't know it was very weird and I didn't even notice any bump on the road." The bodyguard said however after he said it, he felt goosebumps in his body and realized it was manmade!

However, he still did not know how the hell did they do it since he didn't hear any gunshots or whatever.

When he checked the tires that exploded, he sucked in a cold breathe when he saw it was actually a fucking rock that pierced the tires!

"Are you fucking kidding me? A rock without edges pierced the car's tire?!" The bodyguard shouted startling Mr. Houston.

Mr. Houston also approached to check it and realized it was true.

Suddenly, Mr. Houston felt puzzled because an ambulance should've arrived within ten minutes yet no one came.

"Conrad, did you call an ambulance?" Mr. Houston asked his bodyguard.

Conrad, the bodyguard with a look of insight and said, "Right, I forgot master wait for a minute. I'll call them."

When Mr. Houston heard it, he was very speechless that he didn't feel any pain all over in his body anymore and then he exploded in anger.

"Jesus fucking christ, what kind of fucking bodyguard are you?" Mr. Houston said, however, he quickly facepalmed himself and said, "Jesus fucking christ, you're not a professional bodyguard but a martial artist! My god, I hate this life."

It was a very comical situation and meanwhile, Flux, who has been waiting for them in this place to start his plan felt it was too funny and he couldn't help but laughed.

"Haha! Both of you are truly comical, but I guess that's fine so you wouldn't feel grievance when you go to the underworld."

Conrad and Mr. Houston were stunned when they heard the voice and Conrad immediately took out his gun from his trousers.

But when he held the gun, the piercing sound appeared in the air once again which hit his hand that was holding the gun.

The bodyguard yelp in shock and the gun fell on the floor, and suddenly, they heard a swish sound that puzzled them since they didn't feel the air.

However, when they look back on the floor, they realized that the gun was no longer there!

"Are you looking for this toy?" A man wearing a devil mask appeared not far away from them holding a gun.

Mr. Houston felt scared and hid behind Conrad, which was completely far from his arrogance earlier.

"Who are you and what do you want from us? Conrad said with a serious look and stared at the masked man. As a martial artist, he naturally felt that the person in front of him was a very dangerous person, even if you tell your background it wouldn't work since they've already long known who it was.

"You can call me Flux and as for what I want it's just that you have something which you can't keep. So can I have that fruit" Flux said while looking at Conrad and Mr. Houston.

Aside from knowing how to fight Martial Artist also knows when to advance and retreat so Conrad said to the young man who was hiding behind him, "Master, we should give him the briefcase or else the two of us will die here."

When Mr. Housto. said it he immediately shouted and his expression became distorted, "No! I will have to give it to my father or else I will not become the heir of the Houston Family! You need to do something and immediately kill him!"

Conrad sighed bitterly for having an idiotic master but unfortunately, he was indebted to the Houston Family so he does not mind dying to repay their grace.

Flux frowned and his face became even colder and vicious keeps flashing in his eyes, "Since you're not going to give it to me then I'll take it by myself."

"Shadow Blur!"

Flux disappeared in the eyes of Conrad And Mr. Houston, this also gave a tremendous pressure to Conrad as he keeps vigilant in his surroundings.

Although the road has lights it wasn't enough to completely cover the road, there are still spots covered by darkness which also became the advantage of Flux.

[Shadow Blur] is a peak assassination technique below 7 stars. Although it couldn't make you truly become invincible, however, it can make your existence blur almost near invincibility and if you don't move, it'll be even harder to detect unless you're good at fighting assassins and even has a good sixth sense.

The current cultivation of Flux right now is 4 stars, by using [Shadow Blur] he can assassinate a person with 6 stars cultivation. By using this technique to a martial artist is already very unfair but there is no fair in the battle at all!

So Flux did not care and immediately used his extreme speed which accompanied by a swish sound in the air.

Conrad naturally heard it and while clutching his swiss army knife, his veins appeared in his temple and ready to unleash his strike once Flux appears.

15 meters.....10.....meters...5 meters...


A swish sound emitted in the air accompanied by a blinding light, Conrad saw a little bit in his eyes, an extremely blurry shadow passed him and when he turned back to attack with full of his strength.

He was completely shocked, terror and fear appeared in his eyes, bulging veins appeared in his temple as if he was going insane.

He opened his eyes while watching his swiss knife being blocked by a fucking palm, the tip of his swiss knife wasn't able to drill in the masked man's palm which completely terrorizes him.

This is not the end because when he looked down on the ground, he saw his master completely dead with a clean slit in his throat who wasn't able to make a sound.

Conrad couldn't help but look at the man wearing a devil mask, he couldn't help but scream, "AHHHHH!! DEMON!!! YOU'RE NOT A HUMAN!!!"

Flux laughed seeing Conrad's face as if he had gone insane, "Surprised? If I didn't let you see me, do you think you can react? Hahaha, what a joke, your martial arts was nothing but shit."

What Flux said was right, Martial Artists in the Immortal Continent has their own energy. They use that energy to strengthen their body but the one in front of him didn't even have it.

He felt like the martial artists on this planet was simply an insult, it was more like a false martial artist who only relies on special drugs.

Before Conrad can react, Flux tapped his forehead and chanted, "Magic; Sleep"

After that, Conrad felt so sleep until he could no longer take it and falls to the ground and fell asleep.

Flux took the briefcase on the car and saw the [Devil Fruit] in it and he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Then, he took out his phone which has never been used since he possed the body and texted someone.

"Pick me up."

After five minutes, a black BMW car picked him up and left with Conrad who was still asleep leaving the corpse of Mr. Houston.

When the car arrived outside the abandoned building in Hill Street, he carried Conrad in his hand and entered the building.

There, he saw two people inside. It was Bobby and Zach.

The two Flux entering while holding a burly man but before they could speak, Flux threw the burly man in front of them and spoke, "Zach, control him and do as I say."

Bobby and Zach gulped even the one who drove the car, Jason.

"Okay!" Zach didn't hesitate to control Conrad since he is one of those Flux's fanatic subordinates.

After it was successfully controlled, Flux laughed filled with evilness in his voice and took his devil mask and said, "Good job, Zach. Those people will surely like a good show that I made."

Zach felt happy being praised by his only god in his eyes but Bobby and Jason realized that Flux was not only a mysterious man but a very dangerous and scary being.

Jason and Bobby looked at Conrad who is looking at Flux with a fanatical expression completely different from earlier. Jason couldn't help but shiver and felt scared after seeing this in person, and even Bobby who has also ability which was currently unknown from others felt a little bit scared of Zach's ability.