The Cruelty of Flux

Another day passed, in the luxurious mansion somewhere in New York.

A man in his fifties with a mustache that is similar to Hitler is walking back and forth in the living hall.

On the couch, a blonde woman in her forties and a fat guy in his twenties are looking at their father. The woman couldn't take it anymore and ask worriedly, "Are they still not here?"

Gomez Houston looked at his wife and said with a grim face, "No, I can't contact him or even Conrad."

The blonde woman cried while the fat man didn't care, the fat man is the brother was none other than the young man which Flux killed yesterday and it clearly shows that they don't have a good relationship as brothers.

"Gomez, you should quickly find our son." The blonde woman pitifully said to Gomez and cried.

Gomez Houston sighed in bitter but a look of rage is nearing to explode could be seen in his eyes.

"Don't worry, we did not have any enemy so it should be fine, who knows maybe he is just playing outside," Gomez said, trying to calm his wife's emotions but he knew it was just a lie that he made because he felt an ominous coming.

Suddenly, countless footsteps could be heard and Gomez and the others couldn't help but raise their eyebrows and stared at their door.

Two burly men in thirties appeared while holding a bloodied man, the bloodied man has a lot of scars around his body there are even holes in it.

Gomez's expression changed and immediately told his subordinates to call the private doctor and start healing the bloodied man.

The blonde woman stared at Gomez, "H-Husband isn't he the bodyguard of our son?! Why is it only him? Where's our son?"

Gomez sighed and a look of depression appeared in his face, he already had an answer in his mind but he couldn't say it to his wife right now so he said, "Don't worry, I'll ask him and since he is alive then our son should be okay too."

Then Gomez sent his wife and his second son to their room, then he immediately headed to where the bloodied man at.

You're right, the bloodied man was none other than Conrad who stared at Flux with fanatical expression.

Zach's puppet control has a side effect which is the victim will get his senses back within three days, Flux naturally knew about this so he decided to send this chess piece back in the Houston Family to start a show.

Gomez arrived at the spacious room where Conrad was in, and there are two doctors currently inside tending his injuries.

When he got inside the room, the two doctors paid their respects to Gomez for they are after all being paid.

"When is he going to wake up?" Gomez asked the doctors straightforwardly.

The two doctors looked at each other before the older one stepped forward and replied, "Boss, he was hit by three bullets. One in his leg which hit his bone, the two was very close to the heart and I bet it was inch meters away which was very lucky or to say it is a miracle. Right now, for an unknown reason, he seems to be in good health despite these injuries it's just that he lost a lot of his blood so he will wake up within one or two hours."

Gomez nodded and he couldn't help but clenched his hands and while thinking the mastermind of this. He never had any enemy which can be considered as a mortal enemy that would truly kill each other, and he didn't think he offended someone too.

This means someone is targeting him and the mastermind should know he is a member of the organization, yet they still did carry an assassination.

'Either the person who did this is very powerful and can contend against Martial Arts Organization or a Martial Arts Family did this." Gomez thought in his mind and couldn't help but killing intent exploded from his body.

The room became a little colder when the killing intent shrouded the room but luckily, the doctors never have any experience about killing intent or else their legs will surely become limp and would immediately think that they will kill them.

Gomez immediately came back from his senses and stopped his killing intent from escaping his body, and smiled apologetically to the doctors even if they didn't know it.

A couple of hours passed by, the bloodied man was no longer bloody and he already looked neat at clean.

Conrad slowly opened his eyes and a look of fanaticism appeared once again in his eyes and he muttered, "My God gave me a task, I must make sure he will be very satisfied."

Conrad checked his trousers and saw a gun, luckily, it wasn't removed. Maybe the Houston Family was too careless or they just have enough confidence that their subordinates will never betray them.

Conrad sighed in relief, without a gun, the show will become a bad quality as what his God told him.

Conrad reached out to the button on the table not far away from him, this is to tell the others that he has already woke up.

After five minutes, he heard several footsteps coming to his direction and thought it should be around three to five.

When the door opened he saw Gomez, the blonde woman, the fat man, and the two doctors.

Conrad calmed his nerves to make sure he can act better than professional actors because his God might give him an award of salvation as an oscar trophy.

"B-Boss I-I am so-s-sorry I failed p-protecting m-master," Conrad said weakly while gasping for breathing as if talking took a lot of his energy while his tears started to fall from his eyes.

His acting was very good, it could be said to be perfect because all his mind was to only make sure to complete God's task.

When the Blonde woman heard it, she passed out but luckily Gomez was beside her. Meanwhile, veins started to form in Gomez's temple as if he is going to explode.

"Do you know who did this, Conrad?" Gomez asked emotionlessly but those who heard their hearts grow cold.

Conrad put up a grateful look on his face as if he is thankful that Gomez didn't blame him and he replied while roading as he cried, "It's the Janzen Family!! They gave a [Devil Fruit] as a tribute to us, however, as a third person, I clearly saw the reluctance in their eyes. Also, when the master held the fruit in his hands, Hank Janzen's eyes flashed with viciousness for a second before it disappeared and was replaced with a smile. However, when we thought everything was alright, while we were on the road who would have thought that we would be gunned down and the master was hit immediately in the head and his brain splattered!"

Conrad said it vividly trying to make Gomez become angry to make him irrational.

Conrad continued while his tears and snot appeared in his face, "Luckily, I was able to step the gas immediately but I was still hit by them and nearly died. I beg the boss to revenge us, I can no longer see the master and I felt remorse and regrets in my heart."

The blonde woman already came back to her senses, however, seeing the bodyguard she felt he is much more suffering while staring at his miserable face.

Conrad stared at Gomez's face with a grateful and appreciation that could be seen in his face and said, "Boss, thank you for turning me into a normal person into powerful martial arts. However, despite having martial arts I still couldn't save master. I already felt indebted to your Houston Family but now that I failed my job, I don't have anything that I can give aside from my body. I just sincerely hope for the master to revenge us!"

After Conrad spoke frequently, he took his gun from his trousers and aimed it on his head and triggered it.


"NO!!!" Gomez roared, however, it was too late.

Aside from Gomez, everyone was shocked and they couldn't help but become dumbfounded as they stared at the tidbits of brains on the floor.

However, they could still see Conrad's smile on his face. This made them become more mournful and thought he was a very loyal subordinate.

However, what they didn't know is that his last smile was for his God because he successfully completed his task that he gave to him.

You guessed it right, Flux told Zach to control Conrad in this way. Although Zach felt it was too cruel but as a fanatic of Flux, he didn't care at all.

Instead, a seed of horror and terror appeared in Jason and Bobby's heart for they found out Flux's other side, and that is cruelty!

Flux at that time didn't hesitate to use the gun he took from Conrad when they were fighting and shot him in the leg which would hit his bone to make it look real.

Flux also didn't hesitate to shoot Conrad centimeters apart in his heart. The second bullet was on the left side and the other one is on the right side.

This is why the doctors said it was a miracle, then, Flux used his Qi to make sure Conrad won't die.

Then, just like a robot, he ordered Conrad to kill himself to make it even more realistic.

This shows the cruelty of Flux which knows no bounds at all! Bobby and Jason even believed that Flux wouldn't hesitate to massacre an entire city if it is necessary.

Bobby and Jason guessed it right! In the Immortal Continent, being kind was your weakness. This is why Flux never accepted a woman who wasn't able to fight at all.

Because he fears that once he died, his woman will never live well and because of that, he wishes for his woman to be the best and able to protect herself without him.

Without his cruelty, he will never become a Supreme Immortal who rules the Immortal Continent secretly.

Every Supreme Immortals be it a young or old monster, was all within his palm and no one could even escape from him.