Judges, Verdict, Observer, and Executioner

In the afternoon, a lot of applicants are rushing to apply in the newly reconstructed building. The previously abandoned building is now called Felicity.

On the 5th floor of Felicity, inside the office, Flux is drinking his tea while looking at the application form in the desk.

On the first floor, he already decided to build a high-quality restaurant and the applicants are already full.

What applicants he needs right now are beautiful females for his club and auction.

"Where can I find a beautiful woman with experience to manage the bar and auction?" Flux thought to himself.

Suddenly, a bulb light appeared in his mind and he remembered the woman who is now a member of Everlasting Mystery.

Although she might not have the experience to manage the club and auction her beautiful charming appearance is enough to appeal the mortals on this planet.

So without waiting for further Flux activated the Everlasting Mystery's message channel and said in his mind, "Jenny, I need you to come here in Hills Street."

Meanwhile, in a luxurious company, inside the secretary's office, Jenny is piling the documents. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice in her mind.

"Jenny, I need you to come here to Hills Street right now."

Jenny was stunned for a bit and her body shivered with excitement and immediately responded. She immediately started to walk in the President's office as if tomorrow is the end of the day.

When she got in, she saw Jason reading a file in his hands.

Jason who was reading a file was startled by the sudden appearance of Jenny who did not even knock. Although he was displeased in his heart, seeing her excited and flush face made him curious, "What's the problem?"

Jenny played with her golden hair and replied, "Hall Master just sent me a message and told me to go there."

Jason was surprised because Flux did not give them any missions, aside from looking for mystical fruits and objects.

"Okay, send me a message if you need my help," Jason replied with a smile.


Back to Felicity Building.

Flux look up to the clock on the wall and muttered, "It's time for them to get up."

After saying it he stood up from his seat and walk towards the elevator. The elevator started to descend until they arrived on the first floor from fifth.

The reason why they only descended on the first floor is that he did not tell the architect that there is underground below. He doesn't want other people to know there is underground below or he would've to kill them because a dead man tells no tales.

When Flux arrived in the massive underground he saw the formation which still shone a blood-red light as if a passage of hell. However, this time the blood-red light is getting transparent.

This means the formation is only being set up in a limited time and it's already closer to reach the limit.

Flux stared at the formation with a smirk in his face and started to count, "3....2...1"

After the countdown ended the formation disappeared into nothingness and only his seventy subordinates who are lying on the ground could be seen.

However, Flux could feel the difference between his subordinates today. Each of the assassins is giving off an aura of a veteran despite they are still asleep.

Later on, they woke up one by one until all of them stood up in a horizontal line. Their faces are now devoid of emotions completely different from the past.

Even if they have completed the training in the [Bloodthirsty Training Camp] they still retain their emotions.

Flux stared at every assassin up and down with satisfaction on his face, he did not hesitate to clap and said, "Well done! I am satisfied with your results although it's just average in my eyes."

The expressions of every assassin did not change but deep in their eyes, a hint of ruthlessness appeared in their eyes.

Of course, it wasn't aiming to Flux but their ruthlessness means they want to hear Flux's praises even more.

In their dreams, they were trained to a mysterious man which included competing with other members of Everlasting Mystery.

Their training was completely insane and inhumane, there was even a training where they will have to massacre humans that look so real.

There was also training where their parents told the governments that their son is a member of it which made the mysterious trainer very angry. As a result, they will have to slaughter their parents in their dreams fifty times.

It was completely a horror, the deep-rooted crying faces of their family being butchered in their hands are already drilled in their bones. With that, this also means that they must never ever let anyone know about their organizations except if the leader said so.

"Cleo and Zenith step forward!" Flux said in a cold voice while staring at them.

The two group leaders stepped forward with a cold look in their faces.

"From now on, the two of you are called [Judge]. You must properly give those under you a task and once you found something that will benefit us, do not hesitate to ask the [Verdict]" Flux said with a stern face.

Cleo and Zenith kneeled and said together, "Yes, Hall Master!"

Flux wave his hand and told them to go back to their position and called Bobby and Zach.

"Bobby, with your capability and being trained in a special path you are now called [Verdict]. You must remain rational in your decision or else it will affect all of us, and also once the mission is beyond capability do not hesitate to ask me."

After that, Flux turned his attention to Zach, his fanatical subordinate. When they were training, Flux saw how ruthless and cruel Zach is.

When others were hesitating to do lineage extermination Zach did not hesitate and started to his slaughter. So because of this, he decided to give him a special role in the organization, [Executioner].

"Zach, with your cruelty and ruthlessness I decided to give you a special role in the organization. You are now called [Executioner]" Flux said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Hall Master!"

Flux also called his ten assassins who are good at information gathering. Of course, he also gave them a path for those who are good at information gathering.

"The ten of you are now called [Observer]. I allow each of you to create your own external team. Your task is to create [Observers] to observe the entire New York City within our hands." Flux said to the ten of them.

"YES, HALL MASTER" The ten assassins kneeled in front of Flux and spoke together.

"I presume that the two Judges have already received your points after completing the mission last two weeks. Have you bought anything?" Flux asked Zenith and Cleo.

Zenith and Cleo look at each other, and Zenith replied, "Yes, I bought [Ghostly Steps] which is capable of evading bullets that last for five seconds."

"I also bought the same manual and each of my subordinates has already learned it." Cleo seconded.

Flux nodded and said, "Good choice, now that all of you don't have any points then I have a task for you."

Then a mysterious voice sounded to those who are under the Judges.

[Seduce influential people to join the Everlasting Mystery which is within 1000 km from us.

Reward: 500 points per person.

Deadline: Two Days]

After receiving it, the two Judges, Cleo and Zenith stepped forward and said, "We will now go and complete the mission, Hall Master!"

Flux wave his hand and replied, "Go!"

After hearing the confirmation, the sixty assassins under the two Judges use [Ghostly Steps] together which brought them extreme enhancement of speed within five seconds until they disappeared which completely caught the [Observers] off guard.

The Observers are a new group that is only for information gathering so obviously, they have a different task. Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice in their mind.

[Create Observers within 1000km from us

Reward: 3000 Points

Deadline: Two Days]

Then, the ten Observers bowed to Flux before going out to complete their quest.

But aside from that, Flux did not forget to send them the data of an influential person within 1000km. He got it from his assassins before.

With it, all he needs is to wait and plan for the next step and that is finding Hackers! With their help, he can create a website according to the book he read.

[Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and add the novel to your library!]