
In the bustling street, there is a man in his forties holding a briefcase while his face looks so dark.

"This John is really arrogant and whenever I see his face, I really have the impulse to slap him," Rex De Guzman said to himself while waiting for a taxi.

Not far away from Rex, a young man wearing a hooded jacket is staring at Res as if he has found his prey. This young man is none other than Zenith, the Judge.

"I finally found my prey, hehe," Zenith said to himself and started to approach the prey deliberately.

Rex De Guzman is a businessman with a net worth of 300 million dollars. It was not enough to compare against the billionaire, however, his influence within New York is enough for Flux's subordinates to seduce him.

Additionally, Rex's business was blocked by another businessman who has a net worth of 500 million dollars.

Despite how much Rex tries to give up a lot of benefits as long as the other party won't block his only way of fortune, the other party did not agree but resolutely block him.

This made Rex irritable and he is even getting irrational as his business is losing a lot of money. There is a saying that 'Blocking someone's only way of fortune is like killing his/her own family'.

"Fuck, I should have brought my car." Rex cursed while watching the people around him.

Suddenly, someone taps his shoulder and when he looks back, he saw a young man wearing a hooded jacket. At first, he thought it was a homeless person but when he looks closely, he could see the indifference in the eyes of the young man in front of him.

Before he can say anything, the young man suddenly asked, "Are you, Mr. Rex De Guzman?"

When Rex heard it, he was a little startled and then he immediately became cautious while staring at the young man, "Who are you? My name is Carl Evans, not Rex De Guzman."

Zenith sneered and replied, "Rex De Guzman, age 41, known as a genius in his college days but unfortunately offended a bully with a strong background and was forced to quit the school. Melinda 38 years old and is currently living in the hotel after coming back from vacation. Lara De Guzman, 13 years old, who has just recently gone out to have fun with her friends...Should I tell you more?"

The more Rex heard it, his face is getting pale and beads of sweat appeared in his temple. The seed of terror is already starting to sprout in his heart.

"W-Who are you?! Are you Carl's dog?! He already blocked the path of my fortune yet it still wasn't enough? What do you really want?!" Rex said in a low yet deep voice with a trembling voice.

Zenith stared at Rex's pale face and felt funny by what he just said, "Unfortunately, I am not Carl's dog. In fact, I am here to give you an offer."

Rex did not believe that this thing is for free, he naturally believes there is a harsh condition for sure. However, he couldn't just accept Carl blocking his fortune.

"I know it's not free but how can you help me?"

Zenith laughed a little bit and then suddenly, a car stopped in front of them. Zenith looks to Rex and said, "Let's talk inside the car to be safe."

Rex hesitated for a bit and look right and left but seeing no one is watching at them, he did not hesitate and got in.

Inside the car, Rex stared at the driver then he heard a chuckle coming from Zenith.

"Hehe, don't worry Rex he is one of us," Zenith said while looking at the anxious Rex.

Rex did not care about chatting anymore so he did not hesitate to ask, "How can you help me? What do I have to pay?"

When Zenith heard it, a smile appeared in his face and then turned serious, "It's simple, we will assassinate him for you. What do you think?"

A shock and horror appeared in the face of Rex, the temperature inside the car now became a piercing coldness.

Zenith frown seeing Rex did not reply so he couldn't help but say, "Your only fortune is blocked by Carl and you are now losing tens of millions. Eventually, you will go bankrupt."

Zenith's words are like piercing swords stabbing the heart of Rex. It has already been a week and he already lost 50 million dollars, it was complete misery.

Rex gritted his teeth and the previous dilemma in his face now became full of resolution, "Tell me how much do I have to pay?"

"We don't lack money and all we ask is you will join us. The more influence, money, and reputation you have the more you will have power in the organization." Zenith said with an evil smile.

'I knew it, it's a goddamn organization!' Rex thought to himself and he felt depressed wondering why it has to be him and couldn't help but groan, "Fine, I will join!"

Zenith smiled after hearing it and took out a crystal ball, however, the color is black which looks eerie.

"Now put your hand above the crystal ball and say, 'Everlasting Mystery'," Zenith said while holding the crystal ball.

Although Rex felt weird when he saw the crystal ball, he did not say anything treating this situation as a ritual so he put his hand above it and said, "Everlasting Mystery".

After he said it the crystal ball started to turn into liquid slowly fused in Rex's palm completely freaking him out. A few seconds passed by, a familiar temple logo appeared in his forehead and then disappeared in just a few seconds.

"What the hell is happening? Why did that crystal ball turn into liquid and seemingly fused into my palm?!" Rex asked Zenith while full of anxiety.

Zenith and the driver of the car were also quite surprised by the result. Before they could start their mission, Flux opened a new interesting channel in Everlasting Mystery and it is called 'External Members'.

After that, there is an ancient language that they need to chant and after that, a crystal ball appeared in front of them.

"Don't worry Rex, it wasn't harmful but that is how we recruit members. Welcome to Everlasting Mystery!" Zenith said with a smile.

Rex also calmed down and replied, "Thank you!"

After that, Zenith spoke again, "We will start in the evening and tomorrow morning you will hear good news."

After talking for a bit, Zenith sent Rex in the hotel where his wife at and before leaving he said, "Rex, don't forget to meditate and say Everlasting Mystery in your mind."

Rex stared at the leaving car and he sighs as he thought, 'I wonder what will happen to me. Wait...Everlasting Mystery? Hey, it isn't the organization in the news last two weeks right?!' thinking about this, a terror and horror appeared in his heart.


This is the situation also happens on other assassins, however, it was much more direct.

In the secluded luxurious villa, a ghostly figure can be seen climbing. His climbing skill is enough to make spiderman feel ashame.

The ghostly figure manages to enter the villa through the terrace. The ghostly figure is walking silently while trying to catch any sound. Suddenly, he heard a shout accompanied by broken glasses.


The ghostly figure was a little bit speechless but thinking about the data that he received, it is indeed listed that the prey he is looking for is a gambling addict.

This ghostly figure is none other than Cleo, the second Judge. Cleo is heading to where the sound was and after walking for a while, he appeared closer to the master bedroom.

"Damn it! When I come back tomorrow I will surely get back what I lost today."

Cleo frown after hearing it and realizes that the prey should be drunk. So he did not hesitate and enter the master bedroom. When he got in, he saw a man in his thirties who is holding alcohol in his hands while muttering.

"Hello, Mr. Neil," Cleo said and sat on the chair beside him.

Neil, the drunken man, was shocked by the voice and his intoxication was swept out and found out that there is actually a stranger inside the room.

"Are you a robber? Okay, just don't kill me, I can give you money." Neil said in his magnetic voice trying to calm the strange who is sitting on the chair in front of him.

Cleo laughed a little and said, "I don't lack money but I am here to give you an offer."

Neil stared at the young man in front of him and he frowned and asked, "What offer?"

"We can help you become good at gambling in exchange you must join us," Zenith said with a smile.

Neil is a famous businessman in New York, he was once from the bottom of society but because of his business mind, he was able to become rich and has a net worth of 600 million dollars. His experiences are a legend but the only problem is he has severe addiction in gambling.

"How can I trust you? I have already learned a lot of skills from professionals but I still lost. And also, what do you mean by joining?" Neil asked with full of doubts.

Cleo smiled and took out a deck of cards and said, "Go and shuffle it then I will guess it without looking at it," then he turns around to face the wall.

Neil also took the cards then started shuffling it, after he was done, Cleo asked him to choose a card. After taking a card, it is a Queen of Heart.

"Done picking a card?" Cleo asked Neil.

Neil sneered and thought 'I don't believe you can know the cards', "Yes, try to guess it."

"I believe it's Queen of Heart!" Zenith said with a smirk on his face.


Neil was dumbfounded wondering how the hell did he know it and tried checking the cards whether there are some tricks but couldn't find anything so he said, "One more time I will pick three cards and you must guess it right or else I won't join you!"

After getting the consent of Cleo he started to shuffle but this time, he is shuffling where Cleo couldn't see it.

After shuffling and picking three cards, Neil said to Cleo to guess what cards he has again. 'I don't believe you can guess this time!"

"7 of Speed, King of Heart, and a Joker."

Cleo guessed it right! It was indeed what he said, it made Neil completely shock and he doesn't believe professionals or masters can do that.

"Can you teach me? I promise to join you, I will even donate to whatever is behind you." Neil asked the stranger young man in front of him with an excited face.

Neil shook his head and thought, 'This guy's addiction is way much more severe than I thought.', however, he still said, "Before that, put your hand above this crystal ball first then I will teach you one or two."


[Thank you for reading please don't forget to vote!]