The World is in Uproar

At 10 am in the morning, in almost every street in New York, several police cars can be seen making the residents feel afraid.

However, before the police arrive it was the reporters who arrived first completely detonating earth-shattering news making the whole world in an uproar.

Inside the luxurious condominium, 220 Central Park South.

A man in his forties wearing a suit holding a mic in his hand said while facing the camera, "I am Harvey Ford, the reporter from Everyday News. We are now inside the condo of Mr. Carl Evans, a businessman with a net worth of more than 500 million dollars. According to the anonymous sender, Mr. Carl is found dead inside his room."

Harvey and his cameramen are now heading to the room before the police arrive. When they are getting closer to the room, Harvey and his men disgusting rotten envelopes their noses making them nearly puke.

Harvey pinches his nose and said to the camera, "I can feel a disgusting smell from this distance."

When they got inside the room, what they found is a shocking scene yet familiar! Mr. Carl's corpse can be seen in his bed but this is not the only problem but the words on the wall!


That is what written on the wall in a blood-red color and clearly, it's the blood of Carl Evans.

"OH MY GOD, EVERLASTING MYSTERY STRIKES AGAIN!! To those who remember the massacre last two weeks should know that the one who killed Carl Evans is the same organization." Harvey said while leaving the room as he faces the camera.

"I have only questions left about this. What is Everlasting Mystery? What do they want? Why does it seem they are not afraid of anyone? I believe this time, almost the whole people shall know the name of Everlasting Mystery!" Harvey said with a hint of fear in his eyes as he said in the camera. Until a bunch of policemen and few men wearing tuxedos arrived in the condo.

"This is Harvey Ford, the reporter of Daily News," until the policemen took the reporters away from the crime scene.

The policemen block the remaining reporters outside the condo and only the men in tuxedo are inside the room. A handsome middle-aged man with a blonde look stared at Carl's corpse as if examining it.

"I thought they are just extremists but I didn't expect them to be professional. Look, such a clean strike can be seen in his neck." The handsome middle-aged man pointed to Carl's neck.

The other two men in tuxedo stared closely and their expression became ugly, "Leader, it seems this organization is not simple. Should we ask help from 'them'?"

The handsome middle-aged man called Ronald frowned and a hint of fear can be seen in his eyes, "No way! Those monsters won't care about normal people. Go and call professional forensics maybe we can get a clue."


This scene also happens in other places, in other words, there are 37 businessmen who died almost at the same time!

Because of this, they couldn't block the news outside and instead it spread from another country like a fire.

The businessmen in New York and even outside New York are scared by this news. All of them pressured the government to give them a reasonable result because now, they do not feel any sense of security.

This also strengthens the investigation of Everlasting Mystery, be it good or evil organizations are trying to investigate Everlasting Mystery, however, they couldn't find anything.

This made Everlasting Mystery became mysterious, no wonder that's what their organization is called.

Somewhere in the secret military base, inside the office, an old man in his fifties but gave off a dominating aura is drinking a coffee.

The door opened and two middle-aged men sat on the seat while waiting for the old man to speak.

"Do you have any results about this organization?" The old man spoke filled with unquestionable voice.

The two middle-aged men shook their heads, "No, it's as if they do not exist. Could it be they are fooling us? Instead, they are using another name."

The old man took a sip before replying, "I believe the name is true. They are making the name famous and then sooner or later, they will start their own business such as assassination."

The two middle-aged men were shocked and they couldn't help but say, "They're too arrogant! It's as if no one can track them."

The old man took a deep breath and said, "I believe they are not idiots and that means they believe in their strength. Go and make sure to try to investigate clues about this organization and it would be better if we can contact them."

The two middle-aged men saluted to the old man before leaving. This old man is none other than Barton Smith, General in the military.

"Sigh, why do I feel ominous when I think about the future?" Barton spoke to himself and thought about the organization but then shook his head.


Hills Street, Felicity Building, 5th floor.

Inside the office, Flux and Jenny are chatting about their plans on restaurant, club, and auction.

"Are you done doing the advertisement?" Flux asked Jenny.

Jenny smiled and look at Flux before replying, "Yes, I spent 1 million dollars on a soft advertisement while 500,000 on the hard advertisement."

Flux nodded while peeling an orange, "We don't lack money but it will be better if we can have some profits in order not to look like an anomaly. After all, we are doing this as a camouflage."

Suddenly, the door opened and two figures appeared they are Zenith and Cleo.

"Hall Master, we have completed the mission. Unfortunately, there are only 40 influential people within 1000km from us." Zenith said while looking at Flux.

Flux slanted his eyebrows and replied, "Let me see." Flux check the External Members on Everlasting Mystery and saw a lot of names in it and then he looks up to Zenith and Cleo, "You didn't disappoint me, good job."

Zenith and Cleo smiled while waiting for their reward and a mysterious voice sounded in their mind together, "Congratulations on completing the mission. You have received 20,000 points."

Zenith and Cleo bowed to Flux before leaving happily while searching for good items on the Everlasting Mystery.

Meanwhile, Jenny stared at the back of Zenith and Cleo with an envious look. The next beauty potion costs 5000 points but the problem is she only has 0 points.

Flux stared at Jenny's envious face and he couldn't help but say, "Just do your best in managing the business and you'll naturally receive your salary. Do you want money or points?"

When Jenny heard it, her face brightens which is comparable to the sun and nodded several times, "I want points."

Flux nodded and waved his hand to make Jenny leave him alone. After Jenny left, he opened his laptop and dived into the dark web.

Then, he started searching for hacking forums. Some forum needs a referral code, some needs payment but got scammed instead. He wasn't angry, it's just 50$ anyway.

After searching for 30 minutes, a chat suddenly appeared in his tor browser. You know, Flux has been searching anywhere such as diving in the chat room calling for a hacker.

However this time, someone sent him a message while he wasn't even using the chatroom anymore. Clearly, the person behind it as a hacker.

"Hello, I noticed that you have been searching for a hacker for 30 minutes. Can I know what do you want?" The message says.

Flux smiled and typed, "I need a good hacker and I can pay him depending on his skills. Are you interested?"

The hacker took several minutes before he replied, "Yes, as long as you don't ask me to hack governments."

"Of course but before that, you should show your skills. Such as hacking my laptop. I bet you can do this since this is a windows 7." Flux replied.

The hacker replied, "Sure."

Flux waited for a while then suddenly, his laptop seems to be going insane. He couldn't use the mouse anymore, and all his documents were deleted and couldn't even find it in the trash bin.

Then, the background wallpaper was changed by a simple black wallpaper and white-colored words it says, "Did I pass?"

Flux laughed a little bit when he saw it and then after ten minutes, he can now control the mouse once again and replied to the hacker, "You've passed. How much do you think is your worth?"

The hacker did not reply immediately and a few minutes passed he replied, "1 million."

Flux laugh and he couldn't help but type in the chatbox, "Are you high? To earn millions requires a group of united hackers. Even if I don't understand hacking but I do read a lot of news regarding hackers."

He is not joking because he really put a lot of effort to read about hackers. He even bought information on the dark web regarding hackers in the dark web before looking for them.

The hacker did not reply anymore but Flux did not care so he sent another message, "In fact, I don't mind paying millions but first we need to meet. How about that?"

The hacker sent a reply, "You aren't an FBI right?"

Flux smiled and replied, "Nope, I am just a businessman. Where are you from?"


Flux was surprised a little bit because there are indeed a lot of hackers in Russia which is supported by their government.

"I heard there are a lot of hackers there, why didn't you join them? Anyway, come to New York and I'll give you a second life."


Somewhere in Russia, Saint Petersburg.

In a simple apartment, an ordinary-looking guy around 23-24 age is sitting on the chair facing the computer. This guy is none other than the hacker, Alexander Ivanov.

Aside from that, there is a sickly middle-aged woman on the bed which has almost the same appearance as Alexander. It's Alexander's mother.

Alexander stared at her mother's very pale and sickly face and couldn't help but clench his fist.

"Don't worry mother, I will send you to the best hospital," Alexander said to his mother while tears keep flowing from his eyes.

Anastasia Ivanov stared at his son and tried to wipe his tears but unfortunately, she does not have enough energy to move, "Sorry son, your mother is a burden."

Alexander's mother, Anastasia, has a bad heart and needs a heart transplant in order to make her feel better. Unfortunately, they don't have money to pay and right now his mother only has a month left before she will die according to the doctor.

After taking care of his mother, Alexander turns to face the computer and sent a message that will change his entire life and his mother.

"Okay I will go to New York but you must first help me send my mother the best hospital in the US. My mother needs a new heart and if you help me then I promise my life is yours"

What Alexander did just now is something that should not be done if you are a HACKER. Because the only hacker's safety is to remain anonymous but because of his mother, he didn't care anymore whether the other person is an FBI as long as his mother will be cured.

Then, Alexander received a reply, "Sure, give me your email first then I'll call someone to pick you up within three days."

Alexander gave him his email and hope that the other person is not joking. He is betting that the other person is indeed looking for a hacker, not someone who only dives in the dark web trying to act cool and looking for fun.


[Thank you for reading and I hope you'll vote the novel for the next update.]