Start [2]

Most of the kids thought that the lecture about all the basics were surpringly enjoyable to listen to, with Feuer being the only exception.

This particular lesson focused on how to swing a sword or how to use mana properly. None of these were of any help to him.

Feuer didn't need to learn about swords at all. In his previous life, he had already learned how to use one. As for using mana, however, it's a no can do as he wasn't able to use it.

He sighed and started contemplating to himself, "I was wondering if something interesting was going to happen. Knowing how unlucky I have been though, most likely nothing will…"

The teacher had noticed and saw how bored he was, but didn't say anything. He had seen that look throughout the week and figured that Feuer (must have already known all these things.)

The man shook his head. He felt that it was a huge waste to see someone who had so much potential, but was unable to cultivate or use magic.

The kids formed a group among themselves. The leader of the group, was supposedly the one who showed the most promise.

These children were only seven years old, but they already had an understanding that the Clan Leader's son was useless. As such, they had decided to exclude him from their little group.


They day where they were all supposed to spar finally came. The entire week passed like a blink of an eye.

Some of the kids who had a lot less talent, hoped that they could pick Feuer as their opponent.

Only a few of them knew how to utilize their mana slightly, and yet, they were already quite confident that they would win against him.

Luar was one among them. He was deemed to be the strongest, even among the magic users.

In a loud voice, the teacher then announced, "The first spar of today will be Luar vs Feuer!"

Luar smirked and felt that this would be an easy win. Looking at Feuer, he said, "You should just give up. A waste like you won't stand a chance against me!"

However, Feuer held the wooden sword's handle in his hand tightly. Luar's childish expression was now replaced with a frown. He taunted, "If you wanted to fight that much, then you better be prepared to turn into burnt toast!"

Feuer had the urge to laugh but held himself back.

"What's with that weird comparison?", he thought as he maintained a stoic expression. It was something he became a pro at.

When it came to the Dao of Expressions, he was ultimately God. He gripped onto the handle even more tightly.

"START!", shouted the teacher. Once they had their permission, Luar raised both hands and a relatively small flames appeared above them.

He smiled confidently and shouted, "Fireball!", as both flames were shot towards Feuer. Feuer stood idly by. As the flames got closer, he slashed at them with the wooden sword.

The actions he took, did well to stop the flames, however, his wooden sword had now caught on fire.

Feuer cocked his head a little to the side as he watched it burn up his weapon. "So, these flames really aren't normal, huh?", he paused a little and then continued to think to himself as he wasn't the type to talk out loud amidst a battle, "It should have been possible to extinguish them, but, it's curious how even such small flames managed to cause this much damage to my sword."

Now that the wooden sword had been rendered unavailble, Feuer walked away and picked up a sturdy tree branch that was on the ground.

Upon having done so, he now charged towards Luar.

The boy, who was full of confidence earlier, now had a panic-stricken face. He was now in a hurry to defend himself against his opponent.

Like a repeat of his earlier attack, he aimed two small fireballs at Feuer's direction.

With a slight smile, Feuer stepped to the side. Luar's ability to control his mana wasn't good enough yet, so it was impossible for him to change the path that was intended for his target.

Feuer dodged it easily and within seconds, was already by Luar's side.

He placed the tip of the tree branch near the frightened boy's neck, which marked the end of the battle.

The teacher was astonished at how Feuer did it. He remained calm and just dodged the fireballs with ease.

Most kids his age would be trapped in a state of fear if they saw a fireball was heading towards them. In most cases, they wouldn't have been able to avoid it.

The teacher finally came out of his stupor and finally announced, "Feuer won!"

All the young students were silent. After they have seen and heard this, they were in disbelief. They had despised Feuer for his lack of ability.

But this so-called 'trash' had won against the kid who had the most talent and was even deemed the strongest among them.

Didn't that mean that Feuer was even stronger than them, then?!

A small change had sparked inside their young and childish minds, so they had decided to stop undersestimating Feuer - or, at least for now.

They've only started to learn how to cultivate or use magic. Even Feuer himself knew that the gap between him and the others was big, and it will only widen further in the near future.

Despite this, however, Feuer had no plans in contuining to be underestimated by his peers.

Even if it were for only a small amount of time, he was determined for that not to happen. He shook his head and went on his way.

Their teacher had already instructed them that they could go back home after sparring class was finished.

Feuer was eager to learn about the cultivation realms, mage rankings and about the world itself.

After he went to his bed chamber to change out of his clothng, he quickly made his way to the Clan Library and picked up a thick and worn book that was entitled [The World].

He picked a nice and shaded spot in his courtyard. There was a bench underneath one of the large trees and he took a seat.

Soft sunlight filtered through the leaves, as it swayed gently against the breeze, it made Feuer smile and he began to read.

The first thing he learned, was that the world they're living in, is called [Mortal Zenith].

It had many continents. To be more precise, there are exactly six continents.

By reading further, Feuer came to know of the first continent is where the 'English' lived.

In his previous world, they would either be citizens from the United States of America or England. It also had many pages that described their appearance.

The second continent was where the 'Brazilian' and 'Portuguese' people lived.

The book, however, did not state exactly if they truly were the exact equivalent of who he knew to be 'Brazilian', 'Portuguese', 'English' or whichever countries they belonged to.

Feuer had only been guessing the entire time while he made use of the book's descriptions about the humans that lived in these continents. This also applied with languages. Each continent had its own language but there was, such a thing, as a global language. It is English.

And lastly, the third continent was where the 'Chinese' lived. These three continents were inhabited by humans and are called Enith, Bzith and Chzith respectively.

Feuer felt the names sounded relatively funny. "The one who named them must have been an idiot. I mean, they really did just pick the initial letters from England, Brazil, China and just merged it with the world's name? How creative of them…" He pondered to himself as he held his laughter back.

He continued reading about the remaining three continents. Feuer, despite thinking that his original world was boring, had always loved to devour knowledge. Excited, he continued to feast on more as he turned to the next page.

[This chapter was edited by Nurie - 30/03/2020]