The World [1]

[Author Note: This chapter may be kinda boring for a few people but understand that this is to make sure the division about things are made clear, also for developing things about the world, hope you guys enjoy it, though, cya!]

Feuer thought that since the world they're living at is called [Mortal Zenith], then there must be a world called [Saint Zenith] or [Divine Zenith], of course, this is only his guess and as it wasn't confirmed on the book, he isn't certain.

Turning to the next page, the book started to talk about the last three continents, one of them is called [Dnith] and it belongs to the Demonkin, they have humanoid-like features, what differs them from humans is their unique skin color and horns, they can be either red, green or any other color, most of them having horns on their forehead.

Another one is the [Benith], this continent is populated by the Beastkin, this one attracted the attention of Feuer, this world has many magical beasts and though this continent is populated by them, not all magical beasts have advanced intellect, however, the ones with advanced intellect made sure to populate that continent and develop it in a powerful force, Feuer read that there was a war on the past where the beastkin managed to win and claim their own territory, avoiding being slaved by the human race.

The sixth and last continent is called [Elnith], this is a continent where the lifeforce is extremely strong due to it belonging to the Elven race, though it belongs to the Elven Race, it has, in fact, many different races and is the biggest continent, having the Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Gnomes, etc...

Feuer thought that maybe someday he could visit those continents, this world is extremely interesting and very pleasing to his eyes but soon, he shook his head 'Despite all of these interesting things out there, I can't explore it, haha, I always dreamt of having a world that isn't boring but here am I, powerless to do anything...!' Feuer thought to himself while smiling bitterly, he wasn't just talentless, even someone without talent could still cultivate or use magic, however, he wasn't able to do neither of them, he's, literally, unable to do it.

He then turned a few more pages as the topic became about the wars that had in the past, a long time ago, when all continents were only one.

The war was named [Scattering War] because it scattered the only continent existent on the past into six, the original continent was called [Energy Continent], which is actually very different from the current names the scattered ones obtained, the Human Race was able to win three of the six scattered continents due to their huge, overwhelming numbers compared to the other races, the Demonkin and Beastkin were able to conquer two continents, the remaining races won the last continent to themselves with their strongest race being the Elven race.

After the war ended, another one started, it was named [Two Races War] because it happened between the Demonkin and Beastkin, after the [Scattered War] ended, the Beastkin was left with much less territory compared to the other races and this made them angry, the proud Dragons and Phoenixes put their pride aside and fought for the entire Beastkin for once, this was the era where everyone learned about the terror of the Beastkin for the first time.

The era of constant wars was named [Chaotic Era], peace was a subtle thing, something temporary, that couldn't be maintained for much time, though the Human Race has an overwhelming number, it is also the weakest race, despite that, their greed nature still took over as they repeatedly provoked other races, principally the Demonkin, which they always deemed as evil, something that the church made sure to create roots deep inside the human mind.

This, of course, isn't recorded on the books, this is something that Feuer himself knows because he's actually very knowledgeable about his own race nature, in his previous world, his parents were rich and had the ownership of an extremely famous enterprise, after their death, the so-called family that never contacted them suddenly came with their greed nature, wanting to take over the business, even though Feuer always thought how boring the world was, he didn't want his parents enterprise to fall in the greed relatives hands.

Though he was living alone in the middle of a forest, he still commanded the business through video calls and made all decisions, as a knowledge-hungry person, Feuer always studied hard and knew how to do things correctly, he still wonders if the business fell in the hands of the greed relatives now that he died, sighing, Feuer shook his head, not wanting to think about it.

He's now in a new, completely different world where all kind of magical, strange things can happen and what was the impossible turned into possible, people can summon the elements through their mana, fly without the use of any kind of technology and destroy mountains with a simple, basic punch, honestly, Feuer wouldn't be surprised if there's really a superior world named [Saint Zenith] or [Divine Zenith] where Godly beings actually exist.

Something Feuer remembered is that the word Zenith actually can also mean peak, which also means that the world they're living at is literally called [Mortal Peak] which in his opinion, is a rather cool name.

'The cultivation realms and mage realms weren't introduced yet in this book, that is supposed to have a huge amount of knowledge, maybe it is on the next few pages? I hope so, though I won't be able to cultivate or use magic, having knowledge about it is always good, yup!' Feuer thought to himself, curious about this world cultivation and mage realms.

Turning up a few more pages, Feuer finally saw his desired topic as it turned towards Cultivation and Magic on a relatively big text, signaling that it is the title of the topic, a small smile appeared on his young, childish face as he turned pages, his eyes and mind making sure to absorb every tiny bit of knowledge present on that topic, Feuer was completely concentrated on reading, no longer caring about the world around him or if there's someone observing him, he's just absorbed on the book content.