The World [2]

Feuer felt kinda excited to see about this world cultivation and mage realms, with a small smile, he turned to the next page as a vast, broad knowledge started to be devoured by his mind.

The cultivations realms are divided like that: Martial Awakening, where you awaken the ability to use mana, this is basically awakening it and then, absorbing more to expand the amount you can use, the next realm is called Martial Body, where you start to temper your body with the mana, it is exactly how the realm name says.

Then it comes the Martial Lotus realm, where you need to condense the mana within your body into a lotus, after that, you'll need to strengthen that lotus to develop more petals, that is the Petals Strengthening realm, after you do that, you'll need to condense and then compress all of the developed Lotus petals into a sphere, this is the Lotus Core realm.

After the Lotus Core realm, it comes to the Tree Roots Realm, its exactly as the names says, within your dantian, you'll turn the Lotus Core in a tree root, that will turn into a real, developed tree, this is the so-called Life Tree realm, at this realm, the cultivator regeneration will take a huge leap, being strengthened by many times.

The eighth cultivation realm is called Tree Pillar Realm, as the name says, you'll need to turn the Life Tree within your dantian into a huge tree pillar, this takes a really huge amount of energy, aside from accumulating energy, this isn't really a troublesome realm, according to the book, of course.

The last realm is called Martial Rebirth and though it is recorded, there's no record of someone really achieving it, there are legends saying that once you arrive at this realm, you won't be a mortal anymore, which is why it is called Martial Rebirth.

Then it comes to the Mage Realms, they're actually similar to the Cultivation Realms, being Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Manifestation, Spiritual Lotus, Spiritual Petals, Spiritual Core, Spiritual Root, Spiritual Tree, Spiritual Pillar and lastly but not least, Spiritual Rebirth.

There are actually little changes, Feuer thought that the creator of the way of cultivating and using magic created the martial way and was just too lazy to think about new mage realms, laughing a bit, he closed the book, there was actually much more content on it but he only absorbed the really important part, in his opinion, time passed very fast and without him knowing, more than a day had passed with him reading on the Clan Library.

A growl was heard and he was on alert, thinking a beast suddenly invaded the Clan but looking down, Feuer laughed embarrassedly as he realized that it was his stomach, it makes sense since he was reading for more than a day straight, his stomach was yearning for food 'Well, I must really take notice to time, I tend to get too concentrated on reading, haha...' Feuer thought to himself before going to get food.

Though he's a waste, he's still the Clan Leader son so he just needed to ask a maid nearby and she would bring him food, approaching a maid, Feuer said with the cutest smile he could put on his face as he said "Um... Hello, can you bring me food?"

The maid looked at him and then, said while bowing respectfully "Of course, Young Master!'' Feuer thought that it was strange for her to be so respectful despite his status as a waste but then, shook his head 'I guess that defeating the dude... what was his name again? Lua, no, it was Luar must have made them have respect for me, since though

I'm a waste, I still defeated him, the person with the highest talent towards Magic...'

He thought to himself with a little smile, he never really liked the idea to play low-key when it doesn't need, if he acts low-key right now, when he can defeat the kids, Feuer will be underestimated and even servants will feel disdain towards him, everyone knows that this is just a temporary gap of strength and that in the future, the kids will surpass him, however, the fact that he defeats Luar, that had barely entered the Spiritual Awakening realm as an ordinary human is something to admire.

Feuer then started to look inside his own memories, though he reincarnated and he's sure that his soul was already there, just, sealed, at the week that passed, he didn't really try to see his predecessor memories, he could act like that more like an instinct, he is, after all, the new owner of this body, some acts will rarely disappear and he noticed that sometimes, a fake smile will appear on his face when dealing with another person, which is what happened when he met the maid.

He understands how the predecessor of this body had to act, as someone that lost his parents 'I know how solitary it is and the amount of sadness a person that lost their father or mother actually feels, the fact that my parents were rich only made things worse, having to greet the greed relatives with a smile every damn time and see how hard they tried to steal his parents business, the business they worked so hard to build...'

For that, he passed countless hours on a mirror, smiling to nothing but himself, trying to create a fake smile that seems real, how solitary the house he lived at was while his parents weren't there.

'Not to mention all of the pitiful gazes I received, they treated me as if I was someone that needed their sh*tty pity, bunch of hypocrites...' Feuer thought to himself, remembering the gazes he received from the so-called high society 'Oh, poor boy, lost his parents so early, such a pity!' This is a sentence Feuer heard constantly and it kept playing every time on his mind, pity is something that he hates because he deems it as an unnecessary thing.

'No one needs your pity, what they need is effort, effort to get over their problems and become a new person, evolve their mentality' Feuer thought but then, he shook his head, there's no use thinking about this, after all.

Scanning over his own memory, Feuer's mind seemed to be sucked in by something, his memories.

[Author Note: Little spoiler of next chapter: Memories [1], kinda nice, hn]