Memories [1]

Feuer felt as he was being sucked in by something as an image started to play in front of him, deep inside his consciousness, something he doesn't have control over, he simply stood in a spiritual, ghost-like form in front of a huge, quadratic image, it has the image of a boy about only one-year-old.

The image then started to play like a video, the boy, that only has one year old, seemed to be curious about his surroundings, eager to explore things he has never seen before, showing how intelligent he is compared to his peers, that can only crawl like a baby should, giggling, the boy started to walk as if it was something completely normal, exploring the room that seemed just so big in his view.

Soon, the image started to speed up as a woman with extremely beautiful features appeared, her skin fair, beautiful red-colored hair like an ember in the winter and blue-colored eyes that looked like the deep, boundless sky, she looked like a painting that could only be drawn one time and just after, the pen would be thrown away, making her unique and pleasing to the eyes. [A/N: Try to take this lightly, my descriptions aren't that good yet, haha]

With a small, enchanting smile, the woman approached the boy and took him in her embrace ''Oh, my baby boy, you learned how to walk, you grew up so much already, mommy is proud of you!''

The woman, that was now identified as the boy mother, said but soon, sighed bitterly as she continued ''Such pity that mommy wasn't able to meet you because my sickness attacked again!''

The boy looked curiously towards the woman in front of him, his extremely childish face now had a somewhat serious expression that looked cute in the woman vision, she couldn't help but pinch his cheeks, the boy then pouted, it hurt him a bit but felt it was enjoyable so he didn't express his annoyance.

Sighing, the woman put the boy on the ground once again as she sat and then, signaled for him to lay on her lap ''Mommy is sorry that she couldn't be with you as you grew to this extent, I couldn't even see your first steps, your first words...''

Looking at the woman that he felt an inexplicable bond being sad, the boy held the woman hands with his little hands and kissed her hand as a loud sound of 'mwah' was heard, then, the boy looked towards the woman and giggled cutely ''Are you trying to comfort mommy? You're such kind boy, don't worry, mommy isn't sad, here, here...'' she said as the boy giggled once again before his eyes slowly closed and soon, he slept.

Being careful, the woman put him on the crib in a slow manner, being sure not to wake her son, smiling lightly, she went away and called her husband ''What's up, Ayao? Are you okay? Is the sickness attacking again?'' Heinz asked worriedly in a hurried manner to his wife.

Laughing at his worried but funny expression, Ayao shook her head ''No, I just called you here to see how cute our son is while sleeping, you don't know what he did, I was sad remembering that I was forced to be away for a year due to my sickness...'' she said.

''Dear...!'' Heinz said and was about to continue but then, Ayao smiled and said ''Don't worry, the fun thing is that when I looked sad, our baby boy kissed my hand and looked at me, trying to comfort me, hahaha''

Seeing that and imagining how funny it actually would be if it were with him, Heinz laughed, removing the cold facade he always put up when he's dealing with anyone that isn't his wife or son, looking into his wife's eyes, he said while laughing ''Yeah, my dear, I can imagine it, hahaha!''

Feuer, deep in his consciousness, was watching this, unconsciously, he couldn't help but smile slightly, in the time these memories were playing, he got to know his mother name and understand a bit of his predecessor ''So... my family was so happy previously, huh, to think that now my father doesn't even smile anymore, haha... well, at least now I know that my mother name is Ayao, indeed, a beautiful one, just like she is!''

He said out loud and thought how mature his predecessor acted despite him being only a year old, Feuer understood a bit about him, just as he thought the memories would stop, a new one started to play, this time the boy was already three years old.

The boy got near Ayao, whose complexion was extremely different from the memories he saw, her previous white, fair skin now looked pale and her eyes looked as if they had less life than before, even her hair, previously red as burning fire, now seemed to have lost color as it looked a fire that could be extinguished at any time.

Looking at her son, Ayao said, her voice seemingly weak ''My dear... come near, do you want to hear why you're named Feuer?''

The boy that now has three years of age approached his mother and nodded, when he's with his mother, he prefers to simply nod his head, somehow, they can understand each other even when they don't use complex sentences to express it, seeing this, Ayao smiled slightly and said ''You see... it wasn't me who named you, it was your father, when we met, both of us fell in love at first sight, I loved how he was always protective towards me while he loved my way of being gentle and kind to the people around us, also my hair...''

Ayao paused before continuing ''Your father always said how my hair looked like fiery flames that were our burning, continuous love connected by a fire, which is why we named you Feuer, you're the fire that connects us, our bond!'' she smiled lightly while embracing her son, that smiled happily.

'I wish our family can stay like that forever, since I'm the fire that connects them, I'll never allow this fire to be extinguished!' The boy thought to himself, his way of thinking completely different from what ordinary three-year-old kids could think.

Unfortunately for him, sometimes, things never go the way you want and something that made the always present smile on his face shatter happened.