7 Years [1]

[Author Note: Hello, my dear readers, I changed the cover, comment your thoughts about it!]

Feuer pace was slow but steady as he went to Heinz study room, only now he understood why his predecessor, no, his father was so sad, it turned out that he was thinking it was his fault when his wife sickness attacked and he wasn't there for her 'He thought it was his fault.' Feuer thought to himself the obvious after realizing what his mother said.

Shaking his head slightly, Feuer knocked on the door that had a visible sign above it saying 'Clan Leader Study Room' as a male, cold voice said from inside it ''You may enter...!''

Pushing the door, Feuer entered the Study Room and greeted his father's stoic expression as he said while mustering the most serious expression he could, the ones he used while doing business back on his previous life ''Father, I need to talk with you!''

Feuer father, Heinz, looked towards his son and thought 'For my son to actually come to talk with me with such serious expression on his face, it must really be important, I wonder what it is...' and then, he said

"What is it?'' Heinz wanted to be more expressive with his son but the feeling of guilt for not being able to save his son mother, his own wife, it made him unable to properly express himself, despite how he wanted to smile and give a warm hug to his son, he simply couldn't, the feeling of guilt was holding him back.

Then, Feuer looked on his father's eyes as he said without failing a single word ''I met with mother again, father...!''

Heinz almost couldn't take it, as a Clan Leader, he had to know about things and from his son's body language, expression and way of talking, he understood that what the young boy was saying is true.

''...'' The study room was on silence for a few moments before Feuer took the lead and said

"I... I was afraid of my past, remembering mother and all moments we passed together as a family, today I accepted the past and then, mother appeared in front of me with a spiritual body, she said it was a trace of spirit she left inside my consciousness to when that happened...'' His father continued in silence but his stoic expression was slowly changing as he heard his son talking

Feuer then continued ''Mother said to me that no matter what, she wouldn't be disappointed with me and would always love me, this wasn't all, she also said that she would also always love you and didn't blame you, she doesn't want you to blame yourself, father...!''

Heinz expression finally changed completely, his stoic expression became a somewhat sad as some tears appeared on his eyes but he wouldn't allow himself to cry in front of his son, wiping it, he went near Feuer and hugged him while saying "I'm sorry for being such bad father these years, I... I was a coward and couldn't support you, please forgive this useless father you have!''

After they separated from each other, Feuer looked towards his father and said with a true, honest smile "Father, you don't need to worry, I never thought you were a useless father, you're the only one that cares about me, don't think that your expression can hide it!''

To remove the sad atmosphere, Feuer joked at the last part as both of them laughed genuinely before Heinz smacked his son's head and said ''Don't make fun of your father, brat! Also, the Clan cares about you, though you can't cultivate or use magic, I know that you brat is extremely intelligent, you can become a strategist for the Kingdom army or even the future King advisor in the future!''

Feuer nodded, he wanted to live ordinarily, however, ordinary in this world means not using magic or cultivating, being the King advisor or the army strategist can also be counted as ordinary since it doesn't really need to be a cultivator or magician ''I understand, I heard that the King son, the First Prince, is the same age as me, I just need to befriend him, well, it won't work if he's an arrogant prick!''

He is always collecting information about the Kingdom as it is where he'll live through his entire life, this is something Feuer also did on his previous world to keep himself with the world information updated, Heinz looked at him and laughed "Hahaha! You're just like me, the current King is a good friend of mine and wasn't an arrogant prick and isn't is, I bet he'll educate his son properly!''

Hearing this, Feuer sighed in relief, he know that living ordinarily is his only option, he doesn't believe that he has protagonist aura like the guys he had read back then on his previous life, if the Crown Prince, which is the First Prince, is an arrogant prick, befriending him is out of league so becoming the army strategist would be his only option, truth to be told, he prefers being the King advisor as the army strategist sometimes need to go to the battlefield, not to fight but to give instructions, he doesn't want to live dangerously since he doesn't have the power to protect himself.

The duo of father and son talked through the entire day, all they needed was a good conversation 'To think that this only happened due to mother, maybe she knew things would go that way if she died... to think that even after death, mother was prepared and helped us with our reconciliation...' Feuer thought to himself before going to sleep with a genuine smile, feeling happy that their bond was finally ''fixed''.

Both of them were happy that their bond was fixed as they constantly had family moments, the boundless, almost impossible to fix void in their heart was slowly but surely being fixed, some bonds only need a hug, smile or even a word to be fixed, some things are fated to be like that and some people were made for each other, like that, seven more years passed.