7 Years [2]

Since the duo of father and son reconciliation, exactly seven years passed as the young boy grew up to a teenager, already having 14 years old, despite so much time passing, he didn't awaken the so-called cheat or golden finger, a system or an old grandpa on his soul, all about him remained ordinary except his appearance, having his mother unique fiery, red-colored hair and her beautiful, deep blue-colored eyes.

The now teenager Feuer always liked herbs and this kind of thing so he studied about the many kinds of herbs, be it ordinary ones without any kind of spirit or unique ones, having spirit inside it, thus being named 'Spiritual Herbs', some of them had in his previous life but most of them were completely new for him, different and unique.

Despite being ordinary, unable to cultivate or use magic, what Feuer thought that would happen didn't happen, he wasn't bullied by his Clan or anything 'So this isn't a Chinese novel template, huh?' Feuer joked inwardly but felt relieved, since nothing happened even though he lived on this world for 14 years, it can only mean he doesn't have a protagonist aura, a system, an old grandpa or an overpowered artifact, it also means that living ordinarily is his only option and by being ordinary, there's no way for him to avenge himself against bullies.

His comprehension talent was always extremely high, as a mere teenager, Feuer was able to manage his parents business easily and even improve it, with that, what for others the questions regarding cultivation or magic was hard, for him it was easy, by doing this, he managed to earn the respect of the younger generation even though he doesn't have the talent to cultivate or use magic.

Some would think that he's being dumb by helping them with their doubts regarding this kind of thing, however, Feuer thinks it is beneficial for himself because helping his Clan younger generation would make it stronger and he only helped those he knew would be truly grateful towards him, call it a talent of his, being able to see someone nature, though it doesn't work completely, he can know those that will be grateful or those that won't.

'I even got myself a best friend whose I thought that would become the worst bully...' Feuer thought, the person he's thinking about is Luar, exactly, the one that he defeated on the start and also the one with the highest talent towards magic, initially, he thought that Luar would be the person that instruct lackeys to bully him, however, things went differently.

Luar turned out to be a battle maniac that would always challenge Feuer to a fight and he lost every single one till he entered the Low Spiritual Manifestation realm, which was around a year ago, even so, he still lost sometimes because Feuer battle techniques were much better than him, be it his instincts or experience.

Each realm of Cultivation or Magic is divided into three sub realms: Low, High and Peak, each means something, per example, Low Spiritual Awakening means small control over the element, the remaining two means medium and high control over it respectively.

Feuer also discovered a new thing about himself all the time Luar was defeated by him 'I'm sadic and it is different towards each person, if I dislike a person, my sadistic side will be stronger when I hit that person or see that person suffer' Feuer thought to himself, on the beginning, he thought that Luar had challenged him to bully him so when hitting the battle maniac, he discovered about his sadistic side, though, after learning that Luar was simply wanting to fight and improve himself, he didn't feel pleasure from seeing him suffering anymore.

Also, mages can improve their body with mana but not to the same extent as cultivators and in the 7 years that passed, Feuer improved his body to the limit an ordinary human can reach, unable to cross the line of having a body equal to someone at Low Martial Awakening realm, however, with his instinct, battle techniques, and experience, he could still beat Luar when he was at Peak Spiritual Awakening realm.

The body of a mage at Peak Spiritual Awakening realm is usually at the same level of someone from Low Martial Awakening realm and so on, however, the body of Luar when he was at that realm was comparable to someone at High Martial Awakening realm, Feuer being able to defeat his best friend when he's just an ordinary human is something to admire.

However, his physical strength was limited to what an ordinary human could obtain because when someone enters the Low Martial Awakening realm, they can use mana to improve their attacks, similar to the mages, it is small, medium and high control, however, only over their mana.

'At least I'm not considered a complete weakling and made got myself a true friend, differently from my past life, where I was alone all the time...' Feuer sighed while thinking about his past life, being once a loner, he values his current friendship, despite Luar being his only friend.

Feuer was collecting his herbs, as usual, he liked to collect the ones with good fragrance and use it on his bath, he even collect some with spiritual properties, the so-called Spiritual Herbs and takes them home to plant it and after more grow, sell them and continue the cycle, that way, he can get his own money and leave a good fragrance on his room and body, smiling a bit, he thought to himself 'Today is ordinary as usual, huh, well, nice as usual too'

Looking at the beautiful trees, his smile widened, something that Feuer always liked was to protect nature, he always felt a connection with it and always donated money to help to projects that protect it.

What Feuer didn't know yet is that the day that seemed ordinary would change his entire life completely, changing his ordinary life to extraordinary.