Friend [1]

[My ultra special thanks to 'Daniel' for becoming my patron!]

After that, Feuer went to talk with the First Prince, no one approached the Prince because of his status as royalty, they understood that trying to get on his good side would be hard due to his aloof personality, however, Feuer doesn't give a damn about it and simply went near him.

''Yo, my father talked about you, you're the First Prince, Alex Eis, you want to be an adventurer, right? Why do you want to become one?'' Feuer asked, he felt that the First Prince is interesting, maybe because his name is the same as his own in his previous life or maybe because both of them want to become adventurers, who know.

'By the way, where's Gaia? A week passed since then... well, maybe it's more complicated?' Feuer thought and felt slightly irritated since the First Prince ignored him.

''I'll burn your clothes and throw you in the middle of the Kingdom if you don't answer me...'' Feuer said, if there's something he hates is that when someone ignores him, this time, the First Prince looked at him and said ''Just by yourself?''

Feuer's eyes twitched 'I see... he's an arrogant prick, well, I'll just let him stay friendless for his entire life, then...'

''No wonder no one wants to be your friend, I thought it was due to your status as the First Prince, now I know, it's simply because don't want to and is always being 'Oh, I want to be emo', something like that'' Feuer said before going away while shaking his head, slightly disappointed that the First Prince is like that.

Just as he went away, he felt someone trying to attack him, sighing, he turned around and punched the air as it created air pressure, blowing the Ice shards coming towards him ''You're so immature... don't you know that it's dangerous to throw Ice on someone?'' Feuer said before vanishing and appearing beside Alex.

''Principally when you're weaker than that person...'' He said before knocking out Alex by hitting him on the back of his neck 'Should I leave him there, unconscious? Wait, what if someone tries to kidnap him and then, use him against Uncle Ale? Hmmm, I'll stay here till he wakes up...' Feuer thought while nodding to himself, he doesn't want to prejudice Uncle Ale, after all.

'Should I take a mission on the Hall?' Feuer thought, today, the Instructor said that the students can take missions on the Academy Hall, that way, they can experience the world, despite how harmonious the Kingdom generally is, the world outside is extremely dangerous and people out there kill mercilessly, they need to experience the cruelty of the world if they want to mature, Feuer being no exception.

A few minutes passed and the Sleeping not-so-beauty woke up ''Where am I?'' Alex said while looking around before realizing he's in the same place, looking at Feuer, he said ''I'm sorry for attacking you... I don't like it when others talk about my status...''

Feuer kind of understand him, being the son of an influential person himself is hard, not to mention being the person of the King, the person with most influence on the entire Kingdom, waving his hand, he said ''Nah, no need to worry, being son of a influential person like your dad probably sucks, responsibilities here and there, people saying that you can't act like that because of your status, I understand you...''

''I see... This is why I want to be an adventurer, I heard that they live as they please, adventuring through the world, fighting monsters and things like that!'' Alex said as sparkles appeared around him.

'Oy, are you a kid or something?' Feuer thought before saying ''You're right in a way, they're indeed very free in some way, however, their life is hard, they get a living by fighting dangerous beasts, demons and different races or even humans, though dying is a relatively common thing in our world, the quantity of adventures that die every day is extremely high... to become one, you must be either courting death, be confident or simply strong...''

''Yeah, I know, as soon as I become strong enough, I'll leave the Kingdom to become an adventurer, I feel that I'll get much stronger after I become one!'' Alex said as Feuer nodded, with constant life and death battles, a person's potential will be constantly stimulated thus advancing faster.

Alex then thought of something and asked ''But I'm surprised, to think you're that fast, are you sure you're not a cultivator instead of a Mage?'' he joked while smiling slightly.

''Of course, it's because of a Magic, you know about acceleration magic, right? Well, I just modified it to use it with my element, improving my speed even more...'' Feuer said as if it was the norm, leaving a dumbfounded Alex as he said ''You really think this is normal, don't you?''

Feuer tilted his head to the side slightly as he felt confused, then, he said ''Of course, it's very simple...'' as he said that, Alex facepalmed before giving up, his new friend is abnormal 'We can be considered friends, right?' he thought as he smiled, this is the first friend he ever had, after all.

Meanwhile, at the Lyn Clan territory, the Lyn Young Leader stood on his father study room as he respectfully said ''Father, I have a report, you weren't on the Aurora Academy recruitment but there, the Vind Young Leader tried to make trouble with the Flake Young Leader, the result was that he was defeated and lost his fertility... permanently...''

The Lyn Clan Leader looked towards his son and said with a serious tone and expression ''What are your thoughts about that?''

''Father, I think we should ally with the Flake Clan, the Vind Clan is doomed to fall with their heir losing fertility and with the rise of the Flake Young Leader, Feuer Flake and as you know, they have connections with the Eis Royal Family, I honestly think we'll benefit by allying with the Flake Clan!''

The Lyn Young Leader said as his father nodded, their thoughts were similar, as long as they could benefit through that, they wouldn't hesitate on abandoning the Vind Clan, at the same time, the Nero Clan also had the same conversation as they also thought the Vind Clan is doomed to fall.

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