Friend [2]

[Author Note: Passing here to talk something with you guys, I had promised that if we could sit still on Top 10 of New Rankings, I would post two extra chapters this week, however, I was removed from the New Rankings so here's a new challenge: If this week, till Tuesday, we can stay on the Top 100 Ranking overall, I'll post two extra chapters for two weeks, donating Power Stones is literally free and doesn't cost anything so, if you want to support the novel, try donating power stones or doing a review, it means a lot!] PS: New Release Schedule: From Sunday to Tuesday!

''Just a reference for you to understand, the [Acceleration] magic was created thousands of years ago and since then, many people tried to modify it to use alongside the elements, however, no one succeeded to do so, some of them being overlords of a generation and you're saying that it was simple?'' Alex said, feeling frustrated.

''Well, it was actually very simple...'' Feuer said but still didn't said how he did it, now that he understood how precious that magic is with the element, he wouldn't teach it to someone he just met even if that person already became his friend.

Mana is the input and Magic is the output, this is what Feuer uses to differentiate them, there are Magics that doesn't require Mana, one of them being [Acceleration], this kind of magic can be used by cultivators, however, the power wouldn't be the same, the Mana of a Magician is slightly different from a Cultivator, their mana has their spirit infused.

The Mana of a Cultivator doesn't have their spirit infused 'Maybe this is why there isn't something like Sea Consciousness realm here? That way, they would access their spirit and have the same source of elements as Magicians while maintaining their superior physical strength?' Feuer thought before looking at Alex and saying

''Well, I'm going to go home, we can't pick mission on the Academy Hall yet because this is the first day, from what I heard, only after a month studying here that we can pick one, this is boring...'' Feuer sighed as Alex nodded.

Alex then said ''Agreed, though I understand that this is because on the first month studying here, someone could gather more knowledge about the world which would be helpful, what about people like us that already researched on most things?''

He hesitated for a bit before saying ''Well... you see, my Royal Father said that I could invite someone there if they became my friends, I just won't invite you to go right now because I'll be busy the entire week, school is my only free time, next week I'll be free, though...''

Feuer had the urge to laugh, not because he was making fun of Alex or something ''You're worrying that I don't consider you my friend, right? Don't worry, when you're free, I'll go to your home, I'm also curious about the so-called Royal Palace, Uncle Ale always came here to visit but I never went to visit him...!'' he said while holding his laughter back.

Alex's face brightened up as he stood up and started to go away ''Then we see again tomorrow and you go to my home next week!'' he said before speeding up.

'Well, my third friend ever may be a bit silly but well, at least now I have friends, right? Feuer thought as he smiled before also going towards his home.

However, midst on the way to go home, he was stopped by around two persons on the Aurora Academy entrance gate, quickly noticing there would be trouble, a crowd formed, surrounding the three of them as some of them said

''Look... it's John Vind, he's the oldest son of the Vind Clan Leader, I heard that he gave up the position of Young Leader because he doesn't want to fight with his brother, maybe he's here to avenge his brother?'' The fact that Feuer fought against the Vind Young Leader and made the latter lose his fertility became hot news through the entire Kingdom.

'Brother? I don't remember fighting anyone with Vind surname...' Feuer thought, he ignored completely the fact that he had ''removed'' fertility from the Vind Young Leader.

''I heard that you fought against my brother, huh? I'll be sure to destroy you, brat!'' John Vind said as he smiled menacingly, Feuer just sighed 'Another arrogant young master wanting to make trouble, should I destroy his family jewels too?' he thought.

''If you want to fight and become popular due to that, just go ahead...'' Feuer said as he completely said the true purpose of John Vind, he came to make trouble while making it looks like he's going to avenge his brother while his purpose is to become popular while stepping on Feuer.

Feeling that his face heated up, John Vind didn't hesitate as he dashed forward, apparently, he's a cultivator, his realm being High Martial Body ''I'll utterly destroy you, brat!'' he shouted as he punched.

Feuer didn't even need to use any kind of technique or magic to dodge that, he's faster than John, principally now that he advanced to Low Martial Body, smirking, he raised his leg and kicked, his enemy blocked it with his arms but was sent a few meters back, his arms numb.

Putting both of his arms slightly backward, Feuer gathered Fire Element as he saw John Vind dashing towards him once again, he looked slightly crazy ''I'll kill you!'' he yelled while still running.

Feuer smiled slightly as he then pushed both arms forward as two fireballs were condensed, one in front of his right hand and another in front of his left hand [Mixed Fireballs] he thought in his mind as both Fireballs were thrown on John Vind direction, that couldn't avoid as both Fireballs suddenly merged and became a bigger one, engulfing him.

Smoke covered the place where John Vind previously was and as it disappeared, it showed the latter, unconscious as most of his upper body clothes were burned to ashes, approaching him, Feuer kicked John Vind crotch with his utmost strength, cracking sounds were heard as blood flew down.

The male onlookers all held their crotch with pitying gazes as they all thought 'A moment of silence for a fellow, fallen brother...'

The female onlookers, instead, didn't care about John Vind at all as they all looked towards Feuer, that looked majestic with his dark golden-colored hair and silver-colored eyes 'So cool... so handsome!' they thought.

John Vind two lackeys didn't dare to fight Feuer, as soon as this happened with their master, they understood they're doomed, sighing, they carried John Vind back to the Vind territory.

Feuer just hummed happily on the rhythm of one of his previous life song as he went to his home, ignoring how he just destroyed the family jewels of someone.

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