Dungeon [1]

A week passed since the lessons started as Feuer stood silently in his room, seated on his bed in lotus position.

What makes a half-human half-beast terrifying isn't purely the fact that the human innately weak physique will be ''fixed'' but the fact that they can also awaken an Elemental Spirit, due to Magical Beasts having an innately strong physique that will enhance naturally, most of them tend to take the Spiritual Path, of course, not all of them are qualified for that.

Only the Magical Beasts that are born with intelligence are qualified for taking that path because usually, a Magical Beast only awaken their intelligence when they enter the Petal Strengthening or Spiritual Petals realm, at that time, they won't be able to change their path.

A half-human half-beast Elemental Spirit tends to be of their race and bloodline, for example, if their beast part bloodline is the Wind Sparrow, their Elemental Spirit will probably be that same Magical Beast, it brings a variety of benefits like improving their physique, enhancing their elemental attacks.

Feuer is currently on his consciousness searching for that golden glow, he could see ''feel'' it is his Elemental Spirit but couldn't touch it till now, however, now that he's on the verge of advancing to Spiritual Manifestation realm, the golden glow simply hid in his enormous consciousness.

''This is going to be a bother, now I know why there are so many people stuck on this realm'' Feuer said as he felt irritated but then, he had an idea

''Yo, golden glow, if you don't get your ass here right now, when I find you, I'm gonna smack you till you give up existing...'' Feuer yelled as the sound reverberated through his entire consciousness, he knows that the golden glow has its own intelligence, it is low and probably the level of a small kid, Feuer has all memories from birth and knows that what small kids hate the most is when they're smacked... on the ass.

'I'm such a genius' He thought while smirking as he saw a golden glow approaching him with great speed before it stopped in front of him as its form changed to a golden-colored Phoenix ''You stood the entire time on my consciousness relaxing and when I need you, you hid? Do you know your mistake?'' Feuer said.

The golden-colored Phoenix head bowed slightly as it felt guilty, somehow, Feuer could understand what it was trying to say as he said ''You were trying to play hide and seek? Where did you even learned about that? Wait, nevermind...'' he shook his head before continuing

''You're my Elemental Spirit, right? So... what do I need to do now, you know, do a contract with you or something?'' Feuer said, he heard that it's the Elemental Spirit that chooses its owner and that they live on a separate plane of existence called 'Spirit Plane' but not how it actually becomes someone Elemental Spirit.

The golden-colored Phoenix simply extended its claws as Feuer also extended his hand and touched the claws as his entire consciousness started to glow in a golden-colored light, Feuer then felt that a connection between him and the golden-colored Phoenix was made, if he died, his Elemental Spirit died and vice versa.

It is indeed possible for an Elemental Spirit to die, it happens like that because they have the person 'Soul' and 'Spirit' infused into it, however, when one dies, it's possible to ''reconstruct'' it with some materials, however, if the contract between the person and his/her Elemental Spirit is mutual like the one Feuer did, when the Elemental Spirit dies, the person also dies, however, their connection will be inextinguishable, they'll be true partners.

However, only a few Elemental Spirits can do a contract like that, it may sound like a stupid deal but it actually isn't, they grow in strength along with the person and the deeper the connection someone has, the stronger the Elemental Spirit grow, however, a connection like the one Feuer just made with the golden-colored Phoenix is more special than anyone else.

Feuer then turned to look at the golden-colored Phoenix once again after the contract between them was made, its previously spiritual body changed, its body became like a fiery, golden-colored Flame that threatened everything on its way, be it physical or spiritual.

It has bright golden-colored eyes that seem to be able to see through everything, preventing it and its owner to fall in illusions now that they're connected to each other, smiling slightly, Feuer fused with his Elemental Spirit as his body changed.

Two pairs of golden-colored wings appeared behind Feuer back, his previously silver-colored eyes turned bright yellow and his hands became claws, all of his physical and spiritual attributes increased drastically, before Feuer master his transformation in a Phoenix, transforming through his Elemental Spirit is good.

Then, he undid his fusion with his Elemental Spirit, this was only one of its functions, it can also be used as a flame, though, for now, Feuer isn't able to use his Elemental Spirit as a flame, he tried to do so but failed miserably, through his estimates, he can maintain his fusion with the Elemental Spirit for around ten minutes 'For now, this is enough, I guess...' Feuer thought to himself.

''By the way, tomorrow, the Instructor said we'll enter a dungeon tomorrow, he also said that we'll train on dungeons for three weeks so that we can be prepared when we go outside to do missions...'' Feuer thought out loud as he opened his eyes, his Elemental Spirit flew around him happily and rubbed its cheeks against Feuer's cheeks before entering his consciousness and going to take a nap till its partner call it again.

'I forgot to ask his/her gender!' Feuer realized, he can't possibly call his partner 'it' because he/she has intelligence, then, he shook his head 'Maybe he/she is genderless' Feuer nodded and also went to sleep.

Tomorrow they'll go to a dungeon, requiring him to have a good rest today so that his performance is good, this will be a good experience for him, Dungeons appears randomly all around the world and monsters are ''generated'' from it, from the weakest slime to even the strongest Dragon to Phoenix, it is a labyrinth with monsters, traps and different environments.

On the books, it says Dungeons were created by an Evil God in order to bring chaos, however, it ended up having the opposite effect as though there are some rare dungeons that bring destruction through monsters that escape it, many use it as a way to improve themselves.

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