After repairing and reinforcing Mr. Murphy's Caravan with steel, the animatronic brigade continued their journey deep in the forest. Gus followed the marker that the system has conveniently provided in his interface.

"Aghh. My bottom... Oh, it doesn't hurt! Oink!" ---

"I think there's still mud in my mouth... Squeak!'---

"I thought my body would tear from smashing into a tree, but the tree tore in half instead! Moo!"---

Victor and the rest flew high enough for any normal person to sustain an injury, but they were baffled with the outcome from the caravan mishap. Not only did they not sustain any injury, they actually felt no pain from their impact at all! Their animatronic suit has absorbed the impact instead of their actual bodies.

"I have no intention of hurting anyone here. I'm only asking for reparations since you attacked my dear beloved Sister. Fortunately, no harm was done, so I only ask every one of doing this little favor of mine, do this and you'll return back to your normal bodies, and I'll let everybody go, Scot free!"

"But, we didn't do anything!" The Father and Son complained to Fuzz E. Bear Gus. Sadly, he chose to ignore them since he himself doesn't know what to say to Ben and Falkes.

"What is this favor of yours, by the way, Buggock!" Ben was curious about Fuzz E. Bear's plan for them this evening.

"We're going to help some people in the forest, you'll know what they are when we get there,"

In actuality, Gus himself doesn't know who he has to help. All he knows is that he needed to accomplish this mission or else he loses the memory of his beloved little sister.

"How can we trust you? For all we know, you might kill us after! You killed my comrades after all! Squeak!"

Daniel was still skeptical at the monstrous, metallic bear since he witnessed him subdue his comrades in an instant.

"By Gods! Oink!" ---

"He is going to kill us after all! Moo!"---

"Eek! Help Us! Buggock!"---

Their animatronic bodies all acted cartoonishly as they shivered in fear. It seems that their suits are in sync with their emotions, so their suit will react based on their current mood.

Meanwhile, If Gus had a heart, it would definitely skip a beat upon learning he might have actually killed some people while under the influence.

"System, How many did I kill this evening?!"

Gus prepared for the worst, as he awaits the System's reply.

"Dear User! You have killed Zero individuals, during the time you were under tonight's debuff status effect."

As Gus gave a sigh of relief, he can finally confirm to Daniel about the condition of his companions.

"Don't worry Sir Mouse, Your comrades are fine. I only defended myself and I haven't killed anyone. You can go check for yourself later when we return to the Village," Gus answered honestly and can only hope that Daniel would understand.

"Then how can I trust you not to kill us after this? Squeak!" added Daniel.

"To fully trust someone, you need to trust them first," Gus recited a quote which he learned from His Uncle Henry. This simple quote had helped Gus succeed in his career back on earth. He can't deny that there were people who disappointed him, but one cannot simply have no trust with other people, especially if they are his workmates in the kitchen, who relies on cooperation to run a very efficient restaurant.

"Do we really need to wear this... this thing?! It's really embarrassing! Burp!"

Mr. Murphy a.k.a. Bob, fiddled around with his body, as he tried to figure out what he was. Bob simply looked like a pink turd, with big eyes with an enormous mouth. His limbs look like it was just pushed out of his body, making him look like a pink starfish.

"Unfortunately you do. It's for your own protection," Gus simply tried to bullshit his way, yet again as he doesn't want to explain the situation to them. It's hard to explain that his own personal system has forcefully imposed a mission that they cannot possibly refuse.

A few minutes later, they saw floating lights coming out of the bushes. At first, there were only a few which surrounded the caravan. Later on, the floating lights have suddenly increased in numbers, forcing the caravan to stop in its tracks.

"Halt! Who are you, and what business do you have here?"

Gus and the company heard a strong feminine voice that came from nowhere. As the marker read 0 METERS in his status function, the system is telling Gus that he has finally reached his destination. "I'm guessing these are the forest folk the system wanted me to help," thought Gus.

"My friends and I are traveling to help you and your people with whatever problems you are facing!" Gus decided to ask straightforward since the System hasn't given him anything to work on.

"Hah?! I'm sorry, but we don't trust nasty humans! Now, turn around and get out of here!" ---

Judging from the tone of her voice, it seems they don't take kindly to human beings. Gus took a closer look and saw a little girl with wings behind her back.

"A Fairy?"

Gus managed to familiarize the floating creature who is aiming her little bow at him. One by one, the fairies started popping out from the trees and aimed their bows at Gus and his company.

"By Gods! I never thought I get to see a fairy during my lifetime! Buggock!"

Ben Durnham saw a fairy for the very first time. He thought they were really small, but they look like an ordinary human with wings on their back.

"Interesting. And to think that I wasn't aware of fairies taking residence within Phanzal territory, The world is large indeed. Squeak!"

As a Phanzal Historian himself, Daniel was completely surprised that there were mythical creatures that lived right under their noses. It's amazing that they could hide their presence from humans for such a very long time.

"Stand down everyone! Trina, Lead them immediately to Queen Aoivah!"

"Elder Brine! Have you gone mad?! Have you forgotten that Queen Aoivah herself has ordered us not to give or accept any form of help from nasty humans!"

"Trina my dear, tell me which of them is a human being?"

As Trina took a closer look at their guests, she was shocked and horrified to look at such ill-blessed golem-like creatures. She even thought that their Gods must be so cruel to bestow them such a horrific look. One of the big-eared creatures can't even look straight.

"Why do they hate humans so much?" Gus asked Victor a question about their angst against the humans.

"Mr. Fuzz, humans have a long dark history of enslaving Fairies and selling them at a very high price at a Black Market Auction houses. Oink! We already thought that they were extinct, until today. Oink!"

Like Humans on Earth, the humans in Circa are very greedy in nature as well. Gus was no stranger to such kind of behavior, as this is not so different from the cruelty back on Gus' Earth.

"To what reason should we let them pass? Honestly, I think they are the ones who need help!"

Trina and her armed fairy troops started laughing after making a very rude comment about Gus and his company.

"It's the prophecy, Trina! Have you already forgotten?"

"Take heed, one should Listen well,

they will come forth, do not quell.

Heroes they are surely not,

Settle with what you have got.

Humans, they are surely not,

Beings on two legs they trot.

Destruction, will be the end,

But fear not, and trust thy friend."

After Elder Brine recited the prophecy, the fairies have started talking among each other and discuss whether this moment is the prophecy they were all waiting for.

"They are the ones who will help us?"---

"They don't look strong, they actually look weak and silly!"---

"But, he looks like Orc droppings!"---

Trina simply cannot digest the fact that these creatures are still emitting an aura that belongs to a human. But after reciting the prophecy once more, she couldn't deny the facts that were stated in it.

"I...It cannot be!... their aura... It really reeks of a human!"

Trina is one of the sensitive fairies who can detect a human or any other lifeform, better than anyone else. But she is baffled, as this is the first time that these things, slightly emitted an aura that of a human. But after thinking this through, She decided it's better for the Queen to handle this situation. After all, Everyone trusts Elder Brine since he is the Queen's advisor.

"Alright, You better not try anything funny, I am warning all of you! Follow me, and I will take you to our Queen,"

Trina waved her arms in the air, signaling her troops to return to their posts.

"I can't believe we're about to see where fairies live! Buggock!"

"I wish Elder Sister Alice can see this, Moo! I'm sure she would love to make friends with fairies,"

"Fascinating! Just, Marvelous! Squeak!"

"I wonder if fairies have an alcoholic beverage of their own. Oink!"

Gus and his company are delighted to enter a fairy village. They are also excited by the fact that they are granted an audience with the Queen of fairies herself! After a few moments, a space in the middle of nowhere has started to distort. The Hole started to get bigger and bigger until they spotted a village full of busy fairies bustling around.

"I wish Sarah and the children were here to see this."

Gus thought about Sarah and the Children. He was hoping that they could meet a fairy or two, so he hoped to finish this mission very soon. On another note, the mission deadline is before sunrise, so he needs to move fast because time is against him.

Trina turned around and introduced the fairy village to their unexpected guests.

"Everyone, Welcome to SugarGlow!"