"Hmm, it's not as magical I thought it would be," As Gus entered the village, Aside from their unique architecture, everything looks the same as Yellowleaf Village. There are some fairies who are wealthy and some who aren't. But one thing Gus is sure of is that they all have something in common. With the heart of a passionate cook, whether it is human, animal, or creatures of myths. Gus can definitely tell from the looks of their faces, that all of them are starving. As they made their way toward the Queen's residence, Gus couldn't help but hear some of the citizen's complaints.

"I'm sorry, but these are all the berries could find,"---

"Mama, I can't sleep. I'm really hungry..."

"I'm sorry love, Mama will do her best to look for food tomorrow, okay?"

Meanwhile, Ben and Falkes also sympathized with the residents of Sugarglow, since Phanzal city is facing the same problems as well. The only difference is that the fairies were more compassionate towards their kin in this village compared to humans in the city. It seems wherever Gus goes in Phanzal territory, food shortage has been always an issue. It's as if the current King doesn't want his territory to propagate and instead hog all the riches for himself.

Besides the Barter system, Fairies have used mint leaves as fairy currency. On earth, A mint is an industrial facility that manufactures coins. In the beginning, hammered coinage or cast coinage were mostly the means of coin minting, with resulting production runs numbering as small as hundreds or thousands.

Rumor has it, that Fairies has paid a human before, using mint leaves. This same person just so happens to take inspiration from the fairy's mint leaves currency, turning it into the present notes we now use on earth. That may be the reason why the color of the money is green and they called the coin making facility, a Mint.

"Elder Brine, Why is your Village running short on food?"

Gus couldn't help but ask for the reason why these poor fairies are having food issues. He thought they were some protector of the forest, who has no problem providing for themselves.

"I think it's best for our queen to answer that question. I would love to hold a feast upon your arrival, but unfortunately, we have no ample food to offer, and with this, I sincerely apologize,"

Elder Brine may have wanted to apologize from Trina's rude behavior earlier, but the Elder definitely wants to be in Gus' good graces.

"Oh I can tell you one of the reasons why we are starving, It's because of the stupid, greedy human King who has been cutting down a lot of our trees! Thanks to them, Our once great forest is now in grave danger!"

Trina couldn't contain her anger even if she wanted to. Gus wondered what could have happened to this poor girl, to have hated humans so much.

As they walked further in the Village, A giant tree has caught the attention of Gus and his company. This tree exudes a great amount of Mana.

"Why do I feel so familiar with this tree? I am sure that this is my first encounter with this tree, but still..."

Gus felt the Mana that was flowing through the Great tree. He found it strange to be familiar with it somehow. Underneath the Giant tree sits a small mansion made out of overgrown roots and tree moss. Two fairy guards, stand watch over the thorny gates that walled-off the small mansion from the fairy village. Upon seeing Elder Brine approach the gates, the fairy guards have stepped aside and gave way to Elder brine and his company. They made their way to the mansion's receiving area where their Queen is sitting behind her desk.

"Trina, thank you for escorting our guests. You may return to your post,"---

"As you wish, My Queen."

Trina bowed her head as she put her right hand on her left chest towards the queen, before stepping out of the room.

"Trina is a kind and gentle girl, I sincerely hope for you forgive her words and actions. As you already know, I am Fairy Queen Aoivah, It's an honor to finally meet our village's saviors."

If Gus had a human body, he would've turned red from what he saw. This Yellow Long-haired beauty wears a simple green tunic that displays her fine voluptuous figure. His companions were also admiring the Queen as well since their emotions can be visibly seen by the involuntary reactions of their animatronic bodies. Gus saw Victor the pig, change the color of his skin to beet-red while all Ben's feathers were fluttering. Steam was coming out of Falkes the Cow's snout while Daniel the rat's tail was spinning.

"Good Evening Queen Aoivah. I have to apologize for coming on such short notice. I'm afraid I have my own circumstances as well so I wish to end your problems before the sun rises,"

For Gus, the hard part of the mission has already started. He is aware that a single mistake in his decision can immediately fail his Main mission. Gus used his silver tongue to gain an advantage over the fairies. He needed to avoid the situation where the Queen would deny his request and drive him away because this result will obviously fail his mission.

"Very well,"

After Queen Aoivah waved her hand, the room was enveloped with light as if a barrier is cast around them. After Elder Brine led everyone to their seats, he started to serve hot water to their unusual guests.

"What I am about to tell everyone here, shall remain in this office."

The Queen started the discussion with a very bold statement even though there was a hint of hesitation in her voice.

"B..but my Queen, We are not truly sure if they are the ones described in the prophecy!"

Elder Brine was surprised as he didn't expect his Queen to reveal everything to strangers. Elder Brine has lived long enough to know that almost everything comes with a price.

"Elder Brine, Our people are starved and our village is on the verge of collapse. Our guests have already stated that they can only stay for a very short time, so I do not want to waste any second."

Elder Brine simply bowed and apologized to the queen after she made her statement clear.

After Gus introduced himself and his companions to the Queen, he immediately asked how he can help with their problems.

"Unfortunately, what Trina says is true. The new King of Phanzal continues to threaten our lands by cutting down our homes. For what reasons he has for doing so, sadly we do not know," said Queen Aoivah.

"When did the King started destroying your home? Squeak!"

Daniel wanted to know more about their King's selfish orders. The Phanzal's watchmen have no idea about the King's skeptical orders. He figured that the King might have the Watchmen's top brass in his pockets to be able to pull hide his activities from the public.

"Ever since the new King was crowned a few years ago."

Queen Aoivah has a very good memory, thus she couldn't forget historical moments, such as the coronation of the newfound king.

"Can you think of any other reasons? besides the actions of the king?"

Gus is already one step ahead in their conversation. Now that he knows the wishes of the Queen, he needs to ensure that there won't be anything that would waste his efforts resulting in a mission failure.

"Actually yes there is! After he was crowned King, the humans have slowly stopped offering food to us fairies,"

"Offer food? I apologize for my lack of common sense Queen Aoivah, I can't seem to understand how people could offer their food to fairies."

The Transmigrator Gus wanted to understand every detail of this world since he is aware of the fact that he lacks common sense of this world.

"It's quite simple Mr. Fuzz, Once someone has offered food to us, the Mana from their food will go straight to the Great tree which nourishes us fairies. In return, we make sure that their crops are plentiful and their livestock is abundant. This was the healthy perpetual cycle between humans and fairies that have been practiced since the days of old,"

Queen Aoivah remembered the time when humans and fairies were harmonious with each other. Even though the humans were oblivious of the fairies' existence, their crops were bountiful and their livestock was abundant. This was the only proof the humans need to know in able to practice their tradition of offering food to the fairies.

During the ancient days of Celts back on Earth, fairies were considered to be a real aspect of everyday life. They are not just make-believe creatures, and many times the ancient peoples would show their respects to the fairies by leaving out offerings which mainly is food and drinks. Other reasons to leave offerings to the fairies were to keep them appeased or entertained enough to deter them from stealing things like fresh milk or other sweet desserts, some people offer food just to keep them from wreaking havoc in the home or on the farms. In Circa, If one should offer food to the fairies, the offered food will spoil faster because the Great tree will start to consume its mana.

Gus tried to think of a solution that would appease the request of the Queen and the Demands of the System.

"Then why not simply move to a different forest?" Gus tried to ask the most obvious question he would ask the queen.

"Mister Fuzz, We cannot live far from the Great Tree. Where it is planted is where we shall stay. We cannot survive without Mana from the Great Tree."

"Ah... So here is where things get complicated."

As Gus tried to think up of another solution, Elder Brine has interrupted their conversation.

"My Queen, it seems we have Ms. Trina at our door."

"Mm... Send her in"

Queen Aoivah waved her hand once more, dispelling the barrier that was cast earlier inside the room. Trina barged in the door, breathing heavily.

"Emergency, My Queen! An Earth Spirit is attacking our village along with two Green Earth Dragons!"