CXIII. The Consolation

Dag pulled the hammer towards him that tore away the innards of the enemy warrior, which exploded into a river of blood.

Making a lousy noise, Kenneth slipped down, leaving a blood print on the wall.

When he touched the ground, his head moved slightly to emit one last burst of nerves before he died.

Dag dropped the hammer to the ground.

His body returned to its original color, while the black liquid redistributed and was absorbed into the arms.

He looked at Kenneth's dismembered body, then turned to the farm.

Karl and Reidar were watching him and witnessing the whole scene.

Dag knelt down, desperate.

Tears also began to flow from his right eye, which returned to its original color.

"Why... why couldn't I stop?!" he thought, looking back at his hands, they too in their normal color.

Karl and Reidar looked at their Captain, terrified.

"Nooo! My son!" the woman yelled, making her way between the two warriors and running desperately towards the corpse.