CXIV. The Option

Reidar advanced, positioning himself ahead of his team-mates.

Karl approached Dag's horse by the side. He was evidently troubled by what had happened.

"Hey, Dag! I remember as if it were yesterday when you told me you were going to be King of all Vikings. Look at you now... you have the n° 8 emblem! Isn't that great? If you continue at this pace, your dream may soon come true!" he said, smiling at Dag.

Dag reciprocated the kind words with a forced smile: "Don't you think it's strange that I managed to get two emblems in just over a month? When we trained in the Jernhest Arena, Taya told us many times that getting the emblems was a long and difficult task, even for the greatest warriors".

"Well... but Taya has never seen you smashing the chest of one of Skjold's strongest warriors with a magic hammer! Hahahah!" chuckled Karl, pleased with the power of his Captain and drawing a sincere smile from him.