CXXVI. Back To Back

A second man came out of the door, but he looked different from the village peasants.

He was wearing armor and a helmet with horns.

He was a warrior, surely one of the bandits the farmer who had died just before reported.

The enemy warrior looked toward Dag and his companions.

"And who the fuck are you?" he said arrogantly.

Dag did not answer, while Reidar and Karl stood still behind him, wielding their weapons.

The enemy lowered himself towards the man's corpse and detached his tomahawk from his torn back.

"I asked you a question, kids," the man continued, as other enemy warriors encircled Dag and his companions, popping out of nowhere.

They were about ten bandits, some with heavy weapons and armor, two of them with a bow.

The two enemy archers loaded the arrows at the three comrades, who remained still, back to back, ready to face the group of enemies.

Dag pulled out the hammer.