CXXVII. Two Old Men

Reidar saw a woman crawling to the ground in front of the entrance to a hut and rushed towards her, calling his companions.

"Karl! There is a wounded woman, she needs help!"

"It's too late for me now" the woman said, showing Reidar a huge cut in her stomach.

"That way..." whispered the woman, in a voice so low that Reidar had to approach her mouth to hear.

When Karl lowered himself towards her, there was nothing left to do.

"She said to look that way" Reidar told his teammates, pointing to a nearby hut that had remained more or less intact.

Dag approached the door slowly, trying to hear the noises coming from inside, nodding to his companions with his hand, to keep them silent.

"Shhh! Silence! The bandits are still here!"

It was a female voice.

"Don't be afraid! The bandits are gone. We are warriors of the Hammers Of Thor Clan. It's all over" Dag said aloud, so everyone could hear him.

Then he quickly opened the door, stepping back.