CXXXIII. The Warehouse

"Remember, Karl. Try to be cold and not look the guards in the face. We have to go into the village and kill Kjetil, that's our goal" Dag said softly as the village began to appear in front of them.

"Are you ready in there?" asked Karl, knocking on the wood of the wagon.

"Yes! I'm on it" Reidar said.

His voice could hardly be heard, the wood of the wagon was very sturdy.

"There, I see the three guards" Dag said, pulling the reins of the horses, moving the wagon slightly to the left, toward the coast.

Reidar's observation was correct, the closer you got to the sea, the more the slope of the ground increased and the third guard was right there, guarding that side of the village.

Dag continued to move the horses, turning his head occasionally towards Karl, pretending to talk to him.

Karl stayed at the game and talked to Dag with a laugh, touching his shoulder.

The wagon approached the bandit on guard, who stood still and watched Dag and Karl.