CXXXIV. The Ruse

"It's a trap! Get away from there, Chief!" yelled another of them.

But Kjetil was already opening the doors, heedless of what his men were saying behind him.

As soon as he opened the doors of the wagon to savor his new prey, the only thing he saw in the dim light was a figure crouching at the bottom of the wagon.

Reidar fired an arrow into Kjetil's neck, which fell to the ground, losing rivers of blood.

"Aaagh! Chief!"


His men panicked.

At that moment, Dag turned to Karl, who promptly threw the hammer at him.

It took a few seconds for Kjetil's men to extract their weapons.

During this short time, Reidar loaded and fired another arrow, which hit a bandit in the chest, killing him.

Dag instead hit a man next to him in the head, without even wondering who he was.

He was a bandit, even if unarmed, he deserved to die.

Karl got out of the wagon with shield and tomahawk and began to fight.