CXXXVI. The Main Hut

Three warriors rose from the ground, looking at Dag.

Reidar and Karl took advantage of their distraction to surprise them.

Reidar pulled out a dagger and slit the throat of one of them, who sank to the ground in a pool of blood, slaughtered.

Karl hit the other one with the tomahawk behind his back and then violently pulled it out, killing him.

The third warrior turned to them and tried to hit Karl, who had just pulled the axe from the bandit's back and raised his shield to parry the blow.

The bandit hit the shield with his sword, and when Karl managed to raise the tomahawk, he kicked his hand, disarming him.

Reidar charged another arrow, but this time he was slower than his enemy, who had breached Karl's defenses, which having been unbalanced, failed to properly reposition the shield.