CXXXVII. The Eagle Bow

The other bandit looked at him in disgust and came even closer to Kjetil, who continued to lose blood from his neck.

"That bow. I was watching it carefully a while ago... it looks like a magnificent weapon..." said Dag, pointing his finger at Kjetil's bow, resting on the ground next to him.

The kneeling bandit interrupted him: "It is. It's a magical weapon, it was of a warrior who lived near the village of Tyven. If you load an arrow while no one is looking at you, two more appear… but not normal ones…they're magical".

"Uhm? Try to explain it better" said Dag, curiously.

The last man left to protect Kjetil hit his traitor comrade with a kick in the stomach.

"Silence, traitor!" he said contemptuously, spitting on him.

The man, after recovering from the blow, crept toward Dag.