CXLVI. The Split Mountain

Reidar did not answer, he merely looked ahead and assimilated what Dag had just told him.

"I want to tell you why we are here. I'm sure Egill didn't tell you about it. but I trust both of you, you are like brothers to me. You have proven me to care about me and my cause" Dag continued, drawing the attention of both of his teammates.

He told them Brann's from the beginning, focusing on the part that concerned the Red Executioner and the death of Eirik, his brother.

"I am very sorry that you discovered all this by yourself. It would have been easier if you had someone next to you, ready to console you" said Karl, who was unaware of the actual version of Brann's story.

"I have heard of him before. I think my father knew him. He has always been described as a just man as well as a formidable warrior. I'm sorry to hear all this" Reidar said, looking at Dag.