CXLVII. The Climb

The three friends sought the best place to hide the horses, which from that moment on would have been helpless, without their knights.

One of the walls of the mountain had a hollow, which created a kind of cave, and Dag tied Aslan to a nearby trunk.

"I think this tree is fine. Underneath here the horses can also take shelter in case of rain" he said.

His companions did the same, and when they made sure that all three horses were tied firmly to the trunk, they returned to the front of the mountain.

"It's really high" said Karl, who, with one hand resting on his forehead, was trying to see the summit of the mountain.

"We must reach a cave. And a cave is never on top of a mountain. Vegard's lair will be at least 5 or 10 meters below" Dag replied, encouraging Karl, who was scared as usual.

Soon after, he began to cling to the rock face, trying to find the best grips to climb it.