CLIV. The Teamwork

"His attack speed has grown! I have to come up with a strategy, otherwise, I will never be able to defeat him" he thought.

Weland tried to hit Dag with a lunge, which made a deep noise as if it was the firing of a cannon.

Once again, the shot was dodged, thanks to Dag's remarkable speed.

"You're fast, mortal... but how long can you last?" said Weland, turning back to him.

"I'll tell you again... I am not your enemy, nor an enemy of the Aesir! I took an oath, I swore eternal allegiance to Odin when I became Berserkr! Look!" exclaimed Dag, quickly taking off his jacket and shirt to show Weland the Berserkrs' mark on his shoulder, next to the rune tattoos sprinkled on his arm.

After a few seconds of pause, Weland shouted: "You are not worthy to pronounce the name of the Alfather! You will be punished!"

Dag was gripped by a sense of despondency: he was trying in every way to avoid the inevitable. He had to fight that God. What would happen next was a mystery.