CLV. The Mercy

"Captain!" yelled Reidar, immediately rising from the ground, with one hand before his eyes, being blinded by the light.

Karl continued to cough, lying with his back to the ground.

When the light slowly disappeared, the two companions witnessed an incredible scene: the red giant was still standing, with the hammer's head on his face and his arms hanging along the hips.

Dag was still there, on his shoulders, breathing hard for the energy he spent in the blow.

Reidar remained unmoved, not knowing what to do.

Weland fell to his knees, shaking the cave, and Dag came down from his shoulders, making him fall with the face to the ground.

Karl got up and stood next to Reidar, in disbelief at what he saw in front of his eyes.

Weland's face was disfigured: his nose was broken, one of his eyes was swollen and full of blood, and his lips were completely split.