CLXXVII. The Final Touches

"Our hierarchy is based on emblems, right? As long as none of us own the n° 2 emblem, the King will have no reason to fear an alliance, which will only benefit the kingdom. My project has nothing to do with King Einar. Personal power has nothing to do with it. The ultimate goal is the wellness of peoples so that even those who are unable to fight can feel protected and safe" said Dag, whose response astonished Taya, who crossed her arms, listening intently.

As Dag, Taya and Gridd looked into each other's eyes carefully, Jens pulled a rolled scroll from his bag and opened it onto the table.

"This is a draft I created. Over time, it will be implemented with new rules and restrictions for participants, but I think it's going to be fine to get started" Jens said, trying to get the other three's attention.

"So? Are these the conditions?" asked Dag again, seeking a concrete answer from Taya.