CLXXVIII. The Golden Chariot

"Yes, I think it's perfect" Gridd said, smiling at his brother.

"Taya? What do you think? We are the founding members of the largest alliance Skjold has ever seen! We're going to rewrite history! We deserve a name that can be easily remembered" Dag asked, clenching his fists, laden with adrenaline. 

"Dag, I won't believe this until the other Clans adhere to the proposal. Anyway... yes, that's fine with me. It's simple and effective" said she, who for a few seconds shrouded the room in pessimism.

"Then it's done! We have a deal! I'm happy to consider you my allies! My Masters will be happy. I allowed myself to put my signature despite not yet being Master, but I think it is not a problem for you, considering that I was the one who devised the project" continued Dag, who rightly took the merits, clarifying the reasons for his gesture.

"Dag, I honestly hadn't even thought about it! I'm happy too, brother!" exclaimed Gridd, embracing him.