CXCI. The Flock

Without objecting, he wore his belt and grabbed the weapons he had laid on the ground, next to the horses.

He approached the hammer at his hips and immediately the magnet pulled it towards it, locking it on the belt. 

Then he tried to pull it out quickly and the weapon detached without any difficulty.

"Yes, the new belt is perfect too. The extraction of weapons is much faster than before, it will allow me to be ready for combat even during surprise attacks" Dag said, after putting the Giantbane on the appropriate space. 

"Well! I'm glad you like Turid's job, Captain! My quiver has also undergone improvements, now it's much more capacious" Reidar exclaimed, showing everyone else the new piece of his equipment.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay with her, Reidar? If you wanted to stay here, you could use Fort Skjonnet as an operating base, being our Clans allied" Dag continued, trying to figure out what his companion's intentions were.