CXCII. The Old Acquaintances

At that point, the flock of crows croaked even louder, emitting a deafening sound, resealing two pieces of metal crawling between them, that forced the warriors to cover their ears. 

A second attack ensued by the crows, who dived together.

Dag pointed his arms at them, clenching his fists and putting his hands together: just before the birds could reach him and his companions, he unleashed a Shockwave that swept away the crows, who lost control during the flight.

Some of them ended up in trees, others on the ground, others continued to fly undisturbed, reaching Dag and Reidar, who were the closest.

"Aaagh! Fuck!" yelled Reidar, as the crows encircled them and began to form a kind of air and feather vortex, repeatedly hitting them on the uncovered parts, like their arms.

Dag, trying to keep control, opened his arms, leaving his face vulnerable for a few seconds.