CCLXVIII. The Blood-soaked Hands

He totally ignored Dag, that had turned his face slightly, ready to dodge an attack from behind and stopped in the rear of Freydis, pointing his hard hooves onto the ground to slow down.

"Roar! Come back here, we're not done with you yet!" Ellen yelled, afraid to get too close to the girl possessed by that dark power.

The beast-man rose again on two feet, standing behind Freydis as if he was her bodyguard, ready to sacrifice his own life in case of need.

"I did what you have asked me, eternal lords of the cosmos! I brought you to the boy who exterminated the inhabitants of the island, my only home... I'm up for anything to see him dead!" Roar said as she continued to keep that gloomy, inexpressive expression, her purple and black eyes staring at Dag, never looking away.

Before Dag could speak, Freydis, floating inches above the ground, quickly flew toward him, throwing a fist.