CCLXIX. The Old Gift

After looking at the goat demon, Gridd's gaze fell on Karl, who was still intent on discovering how the rune worked, moving his hands amidst Sivert's blood.

Roar's lively eyes noticed the girl's astonished expression, realizing she wasn't looking at him, but at somebody behind.

The demon suddenly turned back, discovering that Karl was right there, intent on doing who knows what.

The young healer crossed his eyes with his and shivers of terror ran through his back, causing him to jump backwards.

Roar began to walk slowly towards him, making menacing, as Karl crawled backwards on the ground with his hands dirty, leaving a trail of blood and mud beneath him, while he feared he would have the minutes counted.

Gridd snapped at them, trying not to hinder Dag.

Ellen, who noticed the scene, followed her so she could make herself useful in some way.