CCCIV. Combine The Information

"Hahahaha! It's amazing! Here he is, safe and sound! Then you did it yourself, again!" a voice beside him exclaimed.

He turned and when Karl's face appeared to him, he squeezed his friend into a fraternal hug.

"You made it again! Kjell told me what happened... your deeds will remain forever written in the annals of Skjegg's libraries!" the young healer continued, touching the shoulder of his friend and Captain.

Dag chuckled and scratched his head, embarrassed by all those compliments, knowing that what had happened had only been the result of his anger channeled in the right way.

"Where are the Masters? Are they upstairs?" he asked, beginning to walk to the stairs.

"Yes, I think so. Wait, I'm coming with you".

Karl, Freydis, and Dag climbed the stairs, finding themselves in the library, completely empty.

"Up here, boys! We're on the top floor!" a deep, baritone voice, similar to Sander's shouted.