CCCV. Hard To Believe

"A threat?! How could you ever be a threat to a God?! Come on, Dag, don't be ridiculous! The battle must have clouded your mind!" Ellen chuckled, looking at Kjell and waiting for confirmation in his gaze, which was always focused on Dag.

In the moments of silence that came after that provocation, Reidar took another step forward and placed the Failnaught on the table, attracting the attention of everyone in the room, who could not immediately understand the reason for the unexpected gesture.

"And what would that be? It's a beautiful bow, but don't you think what you just did is a little out of the blue?" Ellen asked, naively.

"This is the Failnaught. It is not a simple bow... like the Giantbane, the divine axe of my captain, it was forged by Weland himself" he exclaimed, with a convinced tone and serious eyes, focused on the three Masters.