CCCLXX. The Warehouses

Immediately Dag got up and pulled out the hammer.

He dipped it into the red-soaked snow, and the rocky head of his weapon became covered in blood.

It was only after completing this operation that he joined his comrades, who had since killed all the citizens, who did not exceed thirty units.

"Dag, did you check the other warehouse? What's inside? We're still trying to open this one!" Freydis said, who as soon as she saw her man arrive began to ask him questions, but noticing the blood-soaked hammer, she realized that he had been fighting.

"No, I haven't checked it. I was busy with two farmers armed with shovels and pitchforks" he replied, pretending perfectly.

Right at that time, Sander approached the two doors of the building in front of them, which was a large semi-circle of stone and concrete, in the shape of an igloo.