CCCLXXI. The Underestimation

"Well... at least we're going to die with a full belly! Hahah!" Sander chuckled, ready to fight with his shield and axe, trying to dampen the tension of the moment while staying focused.

About thirty seconds after the bell sounded on the village tower, a howl broke the silence.


"Uhm? What? A wolf?!" 

"What was that?" 

"Are there any other wolves?!" 

The warriors of the allied troops began to agitate, moving awkwardly and trying to keep calm.

"Wolves! How bad can that be?! They would never attack so many armed soldiers, they're not so stupid!" Sander replied, trying to lift the morale of the warriors, who after reflecting for a few seconds on those words returned to combat position.


Other howls echoed in the valley and among the pointed mountains of Krypstorm's rugged and cold landscape when Dag and Reidar exchanged a glance of understanding.