CCCXCVI. The Groan

Walking, he noticed that the lowest point of that vertical and almost a hundred meters deep cave, was a circumference similar to the breach on the surface, but smaller, the diameter of which was only a few tens of meters.

The walls seemed to close the circle and on them, apart from the large statue of the wolf Fenrir, there was nothing else.

Just when he believed that getting off to that point had been completely useless, Dag saw a tunnel entering the curved wall.

"You've found the passage, there it is!" Gridd said, keeping the tone of her voice low. 

"I don't like... I don't like it at all, I have a bad feeling! It's very dark down here, but it looks even worse in there! Are you sure you want to get in that gloomy tunnel?!" Karl said, finally drawing the attention of Dag, who turned to him, with a slightly annoyed air.

"I have a mission for you, my friend..." 

"A mission? I thought I was already on a mission... what is it?"