CCCXCVII. The Wounded Man

"I... I... I can't breathe well... here... here..." the man continued, unable to complete a whole full meaning sentence and pressing with his hand on the wound, which from the center of the stomach reached up to the chest.

Gridd gently grabbed his brother's arm, to avoid scaring him and slowly pulled him back, suggesting to lower his weapon, because there would be no need to use it.

"Who reduced you like that?" Dag asked, convinced that, with a little effort, the man would be able to give them some useful information about the Claws Of Fenrir.

"Wolves... those wolves... argh!" 

"Wait, you're telling me... that you're not one of them?!"

The man shook his head, responding negatively to Dag's question, who did not expect such news and looked at Gridd, not knowing how to react.

"And you... who are you?... what are you doing in this hellish place?" he asked.